Wolf Territories Grid @nbtafelberg


Owner of Wolf Territories Grid


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Wow looks amazing will be over to have a look later!!!
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Hi everyone - we're fully supporting Passion she's lovely. We are being badgered by another grid who can't deal with the fact that sometimes people leave. Frankly I'm sick of it. If someone leaves WT for whatever reason we smile and wave and help in any way we can. WE don't hound the grid owners of the new grid. Frankly I'm at the end of my tether with it. Lone.
Yeah people come and go for all kinds of reasons. It is a bummer sometimes, but I really think it is best when people land where they are happy and find a community that best meets their needs.
It's so odd, Lone. I used to drive a big Ford truck. I traded it in for a big Chevy. You know what didn't happen? Ford didn't contact me, accusing me of all sorts of nonsense. They didn't tell me I couldn't tell other people about my Chevy. They didn't ban me from the Ford dealerships or from buying Ford in the future. Strange how that works, right? ;)
Ford would not do that as Ford is smart enough to know that if they did do that it would just backfire. Both Ford & Chevy get along in that sense. Besides bashing another company or whatever just shows the dishonesty of their company & brings them down several notches.
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the most incredble venue! thank you Luna!
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Cooools be lovely to see you
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So at the moment it s only on wolf grid for wolf grid users - that's because it has to access part of the Robust databases and Grid databases to work. Once we've had it running a while and fully tested / load balanced we'll look at making it available outside the grid. I will say that it's free to set up an account at Wolf Territories Grid and use the software.
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So please watch the video - we were doing meetings in voice *AND* text, typing what was being said. This uses just a browser to convert speech to text and then uses a Hud with an API to get it into the viewer. Whatever viewer you have.
I did watch the video but was curious because you mentioned that having the Edge or Safari browsers should also work. From that I understood the browsers were independent of the actual Viewer since those use the Google browser api afaik. Each browser has its own speech to text engine I thought. If yours is independent of those other browsers then it is using some sort of Hud script to access the built in viewer browser?
No so what happens is we use the browsers speech to text function to capture and convert speech to text and then it calls an API that stores it in a database, then the hud reads from the API and displays the text in world :-)
The power of having a grid that is truly database driven and able to use API for pushing and pulling data. WELL DONE!
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It is in the viewer. We do both voice and text. We just use your browser to do text to speech then pop it into the viewer.
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Yeah we have a few deaf users and I just wanted to make sure they could get all the conversations!
Well Wolf I'm also have hearing impairment too! :)
I just got so frustrated at community meetings how hearing impaired people, although we tried to type what was being said kind of missed out. Plus our universities have been asking for this sort of tech.
yes i know i can understand it for hearing people have to type the text but deaf or hard of hearing cant be helped with the hearing disability. :( Yes most of my friends have to type that to me cause i cannot follow too well on voice conversation and can easily get misunderstood.
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It was an amazing group from the grid (including me !) lols.
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I think it's always funny when someone falls asleep logged in with voice on and starts snoring.
It's way too funny! GRINZ*! ;) I know of someone who got the name of chihuahua because they fell asleep with their mic on and someone heard it and told them that this person sounded like a chihuahua . . . hehehe ;) GRINZ*! ;)
It could be! Haha nah, just a joke, looks amazing!
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That's a really interesting project, going to test it out - especially if people could have logins to thedesk top like an RDP or something.
I thought you would like it. :)
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yes! I was demoing it to the university of texas should be ready today/tommorrow just got to do work on the streaming server to make it ready for public use
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Hi Lone :) thank ya thank ya!!! : )
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Incredible work! Lovely region.
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Amazing Social. I had such a great time!