things I see and places I go

Boom Boom Bang full graphics enjoy

Inworld Review Mal, Thirza and James came for a visit today, give a look.

3 min video Atraxia on Pangea. Demonstrating EEP sky water effects and cam angles to view the impact above and below water level.
Find the beacon and visit. All viewers shaders on, and the slider to ULTRA. Find boats to drive and use teleporters. FLY FLY FLY.

Atraxia on Pangea, EEP Experience a new level of immersive in OS Worlds.

Immersive 5 1601

Orphic EEP immersive exploration to expand your virtual world's mind.
Largest EEP Art Immersive Experience in OS.

Things Happen

dreams Pangea / Aedifex

Something new is coming - Orphic at Ataraxia on Pangea 8x8 VAR size experience.

Funkeln - Be Amazed - 3DArtscapes
8/31/23 @ 11SLT - Party DJ Marlon - Ride the Globes - Dance - Explore and stare in amazement.

Funkeln - Be Amazed - 3DArtscapes
8/31/23 @ 11SLT - Party DJ Marlon - Ride the Globes - Dance - Explore and stare in amazement.

6/29/23 - 11:00 SLT
Nyx Breen 3D Artscapes - DJ Marlon
Virtual Worlds most unique experience.
Coming soon to Immersive @ Pangea.

Immersive IV @ Pangea grid

It is coming soon to Immersive IV @ Pangea Grid.
Using 20 prims or less and one texture, will you be amazed? That is my challenge and your experience. 3D Art Experiences by Nyx Breen

Zahlensymbolik @ Immersive IV on Pangea Grid. Coming Soon -

Across the sky I fly like a cloud.

Zahlensymbolik @ Pangea
Art is pushed to the sky. 3D Immersive Experiences by Nyx Breen
Now 4 - 4x4 VAR size sims Experience virtual art in a way never seen before.
Zahlensymbolik coming soon.

Louis Armstrong - Duke Ellington - Bessie Smith - Benny Goodman - Charlie Parker
Ella Fitzgerald - Count Basie - Dizzy Gillespie - Billie Holiday - Fats Waller.
Movie Stars - Celebrities - "The Swells & The Who's Who Crowd"
Experience the Jazz Age at Pangea with HG Safari on 4/26/26 @ 2:00 SLT.
It's the Cats Pajamas
Jazz Age inspired 3D Artscape Experience come be Immersed.

Celebrate The Cornflake Festival at Immersive 3 today at 12 SLT.
Sneak peek of the new Immersive Artscape.

3D Art Experiences

Monuments at Immersive 3 - Pangea

Thank You, Zimp Rexie and Medora Chevalier, for some beautiful images. Pictures from the opening of Bubble Land today on Pangea

Welcome to Bubble Land 3D Art experience!
Bubble Land 3D Artscape is created by Nyx Breen, with 40 years of real-life photography and 17 years of virtual, and 6 years of gaming world content creation.

Bubble Land "Veris Dream" is a joint effort between Veritas McMaster and Nyx Breen to produce an immersive interactive art experience.

This is the last creation that Veri and Nyx worked on.
Veri passed on 12/23/2022; her love of virtual worlds and desire for all to be included and participate in the process was her vision in real and virtual lives.
Please celebrate the vision and dream of this remarkable individual on 1/28/2023 @ 11SLT, Pangea Grid.

Bubble Land is a single art creation spread across a 4x4 VAR that is a thousand meters tall. (16 regular SL sims).
You can explore Bubble Land in several ways, a visit to the skybox to look and be amazed. Use the teleporter system to a dozen key locations. Walk and fly through the piece and discover a different look and experience with each turn of your avatar.

Los Suenos de la Muertos The Dreams of the Dead is a cocreation of Veritas McMaster and Nyx Breen that was presented at the OSCC OpenSimulator Community Conference this past 12/10-11, 2022. The art piece and the real-life experience were explored and explained.

Los Suenos de la Muertos can be experienced at,

Looking forward to meeting you and sharing the experience Veri loved.

Nyx Breen
I visit worlds none have seen.
Dante's Inferno Ice Skating is open because people in Hell want to Ice Skate.
Grab skates add them out of a suitcase and Add the X-speed hud.
Settings - Midnight/Particles/Max Draw, space is a 4x4 VAR.

Bubble Land at Pangea opening 1/28/23
3D immersive experience like no other seen in any virtual world.

Lampithaler created a memorial video in loving memory of Veritas "Veri" McMaster. Thank you Lampi, love you and miss you Veri.

All Skate Forever at Dante Inferno's Skate Park is coming soon at Pangea, Immersive

Bubbleland Coming to Pangea Soon - Ride the Love Bubble through a unique 3D Artscape.

Opening 11-11-22 / 11 - 11 PST/20UHR at Pangea Art & Cultural Festival.
Dear friends of art and culture. in the context of our Pangea art and culture festival we present to you on November 11, 2022, a very special artist, many of you already know him, Nyx Breen.
An incredibly fascinating art installation is waiting for you, which is called Suenos de Muertos - Dreams of the Dead.
A 4x4 space filled with the largest immersive piece he has ever have created.

Musically we will be accompanied by Joao Frazao and DJ Marlon Wayne through the evening. Please dress to impress be part of the art. Looking forward to seeing you all.


AMV Home Tour - Aedifex Sunday Nov 5th @ 2PM Grid Time. Don't let the boat leave without you!
H G Safari article -

11 - 11 - 22 Opening

Pangea 11/9/22 Immersive Opening
Los sueƱos de los muertos permanecen entre nosotros.
Coming soon Be part of the Art