OpenSimWorld @opensimworld


Visit OpenSimWorld to get the latest versions of the OpenSimWorld beacon, the SatyrFarm, SFposer and SFsail

Clarification: Illegal Activity
Please do not post evidence of illegal activities here or in your profiles. Report any such evidence directly to the police, where it belongs. Posts will be removed and repeated violations will result in a ban.
Can't find someone to sail with you today? Then you can create an NPC sailor to follow you and your SFsail boat!

The sailboats in the current package in OSW region already contain an NPC named "Sailor". You have to edit .SFconfig and change "Firstname Lastname" to your own avatar name, for example:

Button=FollowMe=LINKMSG{-4;889;follow Satyr Aeon}

Then Right click to touch the boat (without sitting) and select Options ->NPCs->ADD->My NPC. Your NPC should sit on the boat now

Touch the boat again and select Options -> FollowMe , then select Options -> Autotrim and then select Options->Raise. The boat with the NPC will now follow you. You can sit on your own boat and sail together.

Learn more about SFsail here:
Clarification: Closed grids & Civility
Clarification for closed grids: Opensimworld is a directory of Hypergrid destinations. Closed regions will not appear in the rankings or directory (just like we don't list Second life regions). Regions that were once open and closed are not deleted, but may remain in the directory for 1 year. They won't appear in the rankings and they are marked as inaccessible, but their pages still exist

Additionally: this only applies to regions that are closed to hypergrid. It is OK to list a region that requires group membership to access for example.

Civility: Be civil

Posters who call names or harass people will be banned from posting for 7 days to indefinitely.
Follow the Dolphin! The updated SFsail boats can now use the autopilot to follow other users, other boats, or anything. Rez our wandering dolphin and say 'follow dolphin' to follow him around.

You will find the SFsail boats package in OpenSimWorld ->

Learn more about SFsail here: