Joined 8 years ago

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My Regions

The Starry Earth
1 0 Starry Earth 0 Users
Farm region and playa
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3 0 0 Users
Natural sim open at all !
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Great prices on great land! Contact Paela Argus for more details.

Great prices on great land! Contact Paela Argus for more details!

Welcome to Sunlight Region!
Super hot deals on land ownership! Fast FPS on a dedicated server.
Monthly fees are listed below:
1/4 sim 1.5 euros
3 euros normal sim with 5000 prims
5 euros normal sim with 55000 prims
8 euros var 512 X 512 sim with 55000 prims
10 euros 1024 X 1024 sim with 55000 prims
Normal sim Club and shopping 10 euros with 55000 prims
Contact Paela Argus in OSGrid for more information.
Also check the website to begin your journey!

Celeste Charnelle: C'est juste génial j'ai deux régions aucun lag c est vraiment très très bien géré!!! 9 months ago