Pagane @Pagane


Throw on me all stones, even if you are in sin...

Joined 2 years ago

About Myself

It is impossible to understand me
I live in the graveyard of civilizations.
Here are born and died almost all of ancient civilizations.
Here in the land has more bones than soil.
Here fights in rural pubs are larger than your wars.
Here, time is measured in thousands of years.
Here things are not old, rather ancient.
Here even the sun rises just a habit.
I live in Bulgaria. Accept me as i'm or forget.

My Interests

I quit. The account will remain just to annoy you and let you know that normal men and women are alive with children of their own and don't care about your hate. Peg your checkered flag in the back and be the envy of parents with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
Don't wait likes or friendship from me. Too many bad things happened. Too many bad words were said.
Does not matter. I OWN my server, my butt and i don't care what you say for me!

I'm Looking For

New rule: If you're so angry or illiterate that you can't read and understand a sentence, there's no point in having a conversation.

Favorite Quote

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Music I Like

Films I Like

"Black Cat, White Cat",
"Arizona Dream"
"White Sun of the Desert" -

Books I Like

old testament

My Heroes

thousands .... from Cheng of T'sin (Qin dynasty) to Hristo Botev. You not know them? Poor you:(


Server: VBOX VM 3core, 2Gb RAM, SSD, 100MB/s fibernet
look for idle, upload and download LATENCY and for upload/download speed ratio:)

My Regions

3 0 169.254.x.x:9000:Ukraine 0 Users
A friend asked me to create this region to remind us of what we created in the real world… Please without "like"'s. Normal human cannot like whats happen. Every second a new $10,000 is absorbed in aid to continue the war in Ukraine, and every time $50,000 is raised, another Ukrainian soldier d...
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12 18 169.254.x.x:9000:BestFakeSIM 0 Users
BEST FAKE SIM CONTEST ENDS! May see results in OSW top20 .... No matter how much you don't like the truth, it doesn't change the facts. No matter how many times you repeat lies, they will not become truth. You are only spoiling the good impression of your other actions... As of today, all my a...
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11 1 0 Users
=========== MAKE BABIES NOT WAR! ================ WARNING! GRID IS ADULT ONLY! IF NOT LIKE - MAKE OWN GRID! You may use any avatar, here Adult means adult in the REAL world and there are no exceptions. All children disguised as adult avatars will be banned immediately. Dress code - compl...
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11 1 hop:80:Lagoon 0 Users
Lagoon is closed, private only sim . Shop is moved to Bordello. ==================================================== As of today 18.12.2022 , all my avatars and all local users are in beacons exclude list and not counted as visitors. I no longer want to participate in any way in this shameful...
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As of today, all my avatars and all local users are in beacons exclude list and not counted as visitors.
I no longer want to participate in any way in this shameful ranking.
There is no price for honor.
Judging Others
1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?
5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
6 “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

(Matthew 7:1-6)
Today again I was wrong to share an opinion...
And immediately I received a barrage of baseless accusations and a bunch of lies.
That's what happens when you share...
Followed by a visit from Priscilla.Kleenex
Then a warning to be careful...

I have no words...

OSW is again independent from politicians propaganda. No flags on top.

📝 Planet Of The Children (Junior Eurovision 2014)

In 2014, when some were watering the flowers in the Alley of Angels, three children tried to tell us something. No one understood them.

I see Satyr changed the flag above. Not that anything, but the colors are still wrong, the support is still for a dubious favorite and...
But what should he do? Such is the "western world" or at least what we call it.
Does it really matter, since then no one will find the strength to admit their mistakes and apologize?
I see that I have a huge list of "friends", most of whom are just number hoarders. Many others are online but never thought to at least insult me. So if you're one of those, don't be mad that I'm cleaning up the list.
================The neoliberal doctrine: ================
==To establish pathology as the norm, and everything normal as pathology==

A large part of Bulgarians still do not realize that the West, from being conservative, national and right-wing, today is now liberal, global and left-wing, writes Irini Zikidis
Sofia, Bulgaria 16 Aug 2022, 09:56 - Author: BLITZ

"These days, an opponent shrewdly told me something like, 'We support Ukraine, not because we love it, but because we hate Russia. Like you support Russia, not because you love that bitch, but because you hate the neoliberal doctrine." We shook hands".

This is what the famous blogger Irini Zikidis writes and continues: And now let's remind ourselves once again what the neoliberal doctrine is:

The neoliberal doctrine represents today's western left, and its representatives are also called liberals, neoliberals, progressives. I strongly emphasize the fact that only in Bulgaria the defenders of the neoliberal ideology beat their chests for being right-wing. This nonsense is not found anywhere else, and in the West, people with liberal beliefs are called liberals (not according to Hayek!), neoliberals, leftists, leftists, progressives, Marxists, Trotskyists, etc. But never right.

In the 1960s, Frankfurt School member Herbert Marcuse argued that Marx had mistaken the subject of revolution. According to Marx, the inevitable global conflict is between the working class (the proletariat) and the exploitative upper class parasitic on its back.

According to Marcuse, however, this is wrong because the working class has discredited itself by being conservative and even endorsing capitalism at the moment it has won more goods and rights for itself.

Therefore, Marcuse corrects Marx, arguing that the conflict is not class, but between "oppressing privileged bullies" (conservatives, white men) and "oppressed underprivileged victims" (all minorities). Marcuse became the guru of the Western left, which at that time entered into a violent conflict with communism in Eastern Europe, declaring it a "perversion". This, by the way, is particularly misunderstood in Bulgaria.

A large part of Bulgarians (even well-educated ones) still do not realize that the West, from being conservative, national and right-wing, is now liberal, global and left-wing today. These people say "Nonsense, the West should be left-wing?! That he denies communism?!” Well, here's the big surprise. Yes, the West denies communism. Eastern Communism. Communism of the USSR. He even calls it "vulgar Marxism", and accuses us of perverting the ideas of Marx, Trotsky, Lenin and Marcuse.

Here is Marcuse's most famous quote: "The bourgeoisie can still be defeated. Marx mistakenly believed that the proletariat was the authentic revolutionary class. The real revolutionary force today is the various minorities, the 'ghettos', who live outside the general order.

All pathology must be affirmed as the norm, and all the norm as pathology. The fusion of political and sexual-moral rebellion is key to effective opposition. Then bourgeois society will finally collapse.»

I mean, what does it turn out to be?

If a hundred years ago the progressive liberal forces fought for such fundamental things as social solidarity, equal rights and duties of people of every race, ethnicity, gender, religion and sexual preference, then modern Western left-wing ideologies boldly stepped into the quagmire of stupidity.

If the old left made a major contribution to today's luxuries that we take for granted (fair pay, two-day weekends, the eight-hour day, twenty days off, safe working conditions), the new left, the Starbucks-iPhone social justice warriors inspired by Marcuse, they have long since drawn one on the "working class" and have focused on "protecting" completely different ideas and social groups.

If the left in the past fought for class justice, this discourse has already been successfully replaced by the identity one, and the neoliberals have begun to stimulate new and new parasitic masses of victims.

The great collapse, the great schism in leftist ideology between East and West, occurred in two stages: after Stalin's death, when the Western left repudiated socialism in the Eastern Bloc as a "perversion of the ideas of Lenin and Trotsky", and a few years later, when the counterculture of the 1960s became mainstream culture, and leftist ideology was redirected from traditional class politics to the politically correct world of gender, racial, and sexual politics.

The electorate in the face of the working class has been replaced with itchy latte metropolitan voters and minorities. In this way, Marcuse replaces the subjects of the revolution - the revolutionaries are not the poor and oppressed workers, but blacks, women and gays.

Oppressors are no longer the hereditary heirs of financial empires of the notorious 1%, but the white, heterosexual, working man. The worker becomes a bourgeois. The former victim has been turned into an abuser. The vast working class has been left toothless, fistless and heartless. But why?

How did the working class suddenly become the enemy of the New Left? Very simply - it turned out that the working class did not really live up to the expectations of a fundamental and revolutionary change of society, and professed conservative values, which led Marcuse to replace the Marxist proletariat with other revolutionaries.

As white, working-class hetero men replace the bourgeoisie as the hated oppressor class, the left picks up on the victims as well. The new hierarchical pyramid is created. At the top are the perennial abusers - white straight men, followed by white straight women, followed by white gay men, followed by white gay women, followed by white disabled, followed by black straight men, black straight women, black gay men, black gays women, disabled blacks and Muslims.

On the left we have a tragicomic battle about who is more screwed up, and while the debate over whether a black gay disabled man is more wronged than a black healthy hetero but ugly Muslim woman is being fought on an academic level (!!!) agree that the white straight man can never be a victim for anything. A white man in the west can only survive by self-flagellation and apologizing for being white and heterosexual.

What is the profile of liberals today? A layer of educated and well-realized people has been created who, despite their undoubted academic and professional successes, are totally devoid of the ability for critical and analytical thinking. In their majority, they belong to the new, modern type of liberal intelligentsia, situated in a comfortable, modern and cool ideological framework.

It's easy to recognize them - they're passionately committed to saving the planet, minority rights, feminism, Me Too, open borders for refugees - basically, all those clean, slightly abstract but terribly humane urban causes that are professed from a comfortable position of user comfort.

Despite their claims of modernity, awareness and progressiveness, however, in fact these people live in a state of serious intellectual disorientation and "block thinking". Completely mutually exclusive and even hostile ideas in the real world, such as Muslim rights and gay rights, co-exist perfectly peacefully in their heads.

If they had any critical thinking, they would know that in most of the countries from which Muslim immigrants come, homosexuality is punishable by death, which means that they cannot support gay rights and Muslim rights in Europe at the same time, because -the majority of Muslims sincerely believe that gay people deserve death. And because liberals use emotional discourse as a tool of influence that completely dominates logic and facts, it often happens that they intellectually crash in an argument with opponents.

(I'll digress slightly here to comment on what desperately lobotomized scumbags our liberal elite are made of - a week ago they were extremely busy enjoying how Putin was waiting for Erdogan at the Tehran meeting without uttering a single word about the decisions, that were taken, and the treaties that were signed at that meeting. And he hardly understood anything about them.)

Another matter is that the recently declassified files of the fathers of today's Western Left such as Marcuse show that they were cadres of the services. I do not know better proof of social engineering of the elites. They rode, tamed and replaced the left to destroy it.

Today's left is designed, created and run by those it thinks it is fighting against, which is why it has abandoned the topic of social injustice and focused on the social and biological gender of legions of victimized yuzles. The cause of today's left has been superseded and replaced with a toothless shill. No one is looking at the 1% who control more than half the world's wealth anymore because they are fixated on their 72nd gender and too busy making themselves victims. The New Left is a long dead ferret and smells like carrion.

Today's left, today's neoliberal cause to me is desperate. Identity politics is always attractive because it allows human stupidity and laziness to be presented as the product of oppression and historical injustice. Personal responsibility is removed from the equation.

This is how millions of white, working, conservative, normal people suddenly felt bad because they somehow found themselves redundant, confused and scared in the new global world. And we were declared "fascists" and "losers in love" by "journalists" such as Mrs. Kapka Todorova (correspondent of "24 hours in Berlin, note ed.").

The old-fashioned notions of patriotism, discipline, conscience, love and care for family, integrity, respect for tradition, morality, Christian faith and free will – the pillars of a society – have collapsed. Their place was taken by extreme individualism, contempt for tradition, and a refusal to take personal responsibility for one's actions. In a few decades, the old universal moral code was destroyed.

Unfortunately, the social and cultural radicalism of the left is in no way accompanied by a corresponding economic radicalism. On the contrary, the economic policy of the left turns out to be a complete failure.

So, let's point out the main causes for which today's western left is fighting, and which it is trying to push in our country through the generously funded political formations, NGOs and influencers:

Globalism and multiculturalism - open societies without borders; centralization of power and global decision-making by a small, extremely powerful and wealthy elite;

Digitization of society - a huge database with personal files and a scoring system for each person;

Green deal: yes, if you think articles like the one on CNN yesterday about the benefits of eating cockroaches is cheerful nonsense, I'm about to disappoint you - this is the future. It also includes limiting consumables (no way, the resources are finished, and Russia will not give theirs voluntarily), limiting travel (emission quotas);

Bioengineering - free sex change and sexual freedom in every sense of the word. Remember Marcuse's "sexual-moral revolt"?

And if all this sounds conspiratorial to you, just visit the World Economic Forum website more often.

It's called "The Great Reset" there.

Well, I don't care.

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My Reviews

Breedables Market

Must change grid Category to: Group Access/Private Bann other grids is modern form of Bussiness already.

Trianon Complex

Good region but.... here pixels know more than peoples:( [14:34] Bryan Taylor: welcome agane [14:34] Beth Styx: I guess your dress wasnt rezzed for me [14:34] Bryan Taylor: Pagane [14:35] Pagane Succubus: dress is only problem here? few pixels? [14:35] Pagane Succubus: if this is problem will undress now [14:36] Beth Styx: its a long dress thats why I sent you a group invite [14:36] Bry...


This is not true - AGAIN same BOT BOT BOT ONLY!!! And all ask friendships..... ARE YOU SICK??? Peoples not visit Opensim to find friendships with greeter script!!! ZERO stars, all other in region is unusable because of stupid greeter bots!

Parrots Bay

I'm glad you're back! Be yourself and kick out all haters! KISS!


One of the best original design clothes in OpenSIM! Love all your designs!

Tropicana Kokomo

Same as all.... Cannot join because owner is absolute cheeky and only playing tricks on me half hour. Fake grid with Fake club! Hidden behind Fake membership! Yes, on NEXT DAY after this comment i receive group invitation. Of course overdue:).... what to say?! Okay. I understand that FoxxyFawkes doesn't want to let some people into his club. That is her right. I respect him 100%! But let him ...


Love this place! GREAT!!! My english is not enough to explain.

Disavowed Dairy Expanded

Interesting place, I even joined in the fun. But.... when I decided to leave I found myself locked with the gag kindly offered to me... Watch out! Ohh sorry. Little change: If you come once here newer more restart or teleport to bad HG where bad grids will broke your scripts!


from @KrisPatrick 29 minutes ago We never forget. And "Kris", about naked - yes i walk naked and with very big BOOBS, and ride mans not dildo! P.S. Can you use your real name? Hmmmm ......

Factory Connection

Another FAKE care and lie... GDPR strictly refuse registrations like this! And.... user confirmation what you ask is invalid accorfing to GDPR terms!

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