Phill895 @phill895

Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK Offline

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Welcome to Bubble Grid. You are cordially invited to test the grid. Registration is open. So far we have 10 regions.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an email to contact (at)

DebzFox: Got there - looking good xx 2 years ago


Starbase - Asgard Dawn's Starfleet Headquarters has so much to offer for those truly into Star Trek and role play. We have worked tirelessly to make very nearly everything functional though, no, you can't fly the enterprise around as it's much too big, but we do have shuttles that can be flown, transporters, turbo lifts and even a working screen in the bridge. We will continue to make it better! We also have a functioning monorail to take you to the different buildings and offices. Our medical academy and sick bay both have working "surgical" hoods. Come visit and take a look around. Missing a visit would be quite illogical. Starbase
CyberScan Scanner. This device can listen for hidden 'microphones' placed on your sim to spy on you. It scans the channels you select with a frequency you input. If people are chatting in local chat and the scanner has a hit, it will let you know. :D Now available at Wizardry region. Open source as always so you can modify the code, god mode it, whatever you want to do. :) It is also a very powerful tool for scripters who are creating devices that use channel communication, as it allows you to listen in on what your LSL scripting is actually doing. :)

JayR Cela: hmmm.. this is very interseting. I am not concearned about hidden microphones or someone spying on my private chats, however I can see some possible usage in other situations trying to debug certain s... 12 months ago
The Micro Fairies... Someone saw my micro fairies at wizardry and wanted one, so i put one in the dragonfyre sounds box which is on the christmas tree rug at wizardry. If you get this and rez a micro fairy, dont forget to say 'smaller' in local chat so it doesn't push you around. you should only say 'bigger' and then mash control t so you can see it and pick it up to take back into inventory.

EarlAngel: I can't go to your store anymore and you still haven't replied to my message, thanks 2 years ago

New Fantasy Grove situated above this sim on a skyplatform, select destination on the mushroom teleporters to visit.

Announcing a new hud... "Wizardry". It is a magical hud with many more powers than all the other huds combined. It was created by a great Wizard at the College of Scripting Magic in the FreeMagic region. He left it there just waiting for the right one to discover it. The right one is NOT priscilla kleenex. When you arrive at FreeMagic on your journey to find this great magic, you must take your time... Amble across the long rope bridge, do not fly or even attempt to. If you attempt to fly you will be kicked, if you are kicked 3 times you will forevermore be banned from the land of Magic. Slowly walk across the long rope bridge from the FreeMagic store to the Wizard's castle, then go around back and walk up the long bridge from the Wizard's castle to the College of Scripting Magic. Inside is a test for those who are worthy to receive the hud. But if you flew or attempted to fly, you will not be able to take the Hud. So Mote it Be! You are forwarned! Now a word to the wise young traveller.... "In the Play of Bright And Dark, of Day and Knight, The Magic Starts. Thus Heed Ye Well This Worded Art, Let Clever Play Reflections Part!"...

CyberGlo CyberStar: it have been opened for you Ludo. You were blocked previously for selling mustard on the corner of the building. 3 years ago

Ellen: Very cool but Marie's grave is in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans not Lafayette! Still cool tho 1 years ago
Classes for building beginners is at 3:30pm Pacific time to learn to build from the first prim up to the last and to learn to change prim builds to mesh in blender. We will also taken on learning to build your first hut and eventually a home.
See you there!!

when you visit my land you can walk through my crappy art tunnel an post your own art on the wall simply by dragging a picture on

New sim of Virtualife StoreHause1free where you will find some structures to furnish your sim all copy

Alex Nova: nice shopping place but ...some stuffs are not to get and buy but nothing comes .... so it would be nice to fix it ...thx 2 years ago
Of course nico is heading up a bunch of her friends to harass me as usual. So let me explain to you what happened step by step. First of all silvia is a liar. You can trust her or you can trust me. I have hard evidence of what she did in my logs.
On the wizardry sim where thousands of people have come and gotten things with no issue whatsoever, and where i am always glad to have visitors, silvia appeared. She was on one side of the sim, but she moved her camera view from the area she was standing (by the wizardry store where i make and give away free stuff), all the way over to my castle across the water. On the top floor of my castle is all my inworld servers. They are in a locked room. She browsed past (through) the wall, and then inside this room is a server cabinet that only the owner (llgetowner) can click on and open. Inside that server cabinet is my security orb server. She very carefully moved her camera into the center of that cabinet to catch the edge of the server in her viewer so she could click it and try to manipulate the menu. I put it in a locked cabinet inside a locked room, on the 4th floor of my castle for a reason. Everytime she clicked it, it reported to me. I tried to talk to her but got no response. There is no reason for someone to touch my hidden servers in a hidden cabinet in a locked room. I finally kicked her and she went to my regin elf beach. So I had to set an estate ban. While I was trying to set an estate ban, Wizardry went down. I got logged out. I checked it on the dreamgrid console and wizardry was showing crashed. It also showed a visitor in elf beach. So I got her information from the robust logs and added here to an estate wide ban to keep her off my grid forever. I will never let her back on my grid. If you are wise you will do the same as I have and ban her. All these people coming at me with these nasty comments have no idea what is going on, they were not there. For those of you who are wise you will ban and block her. For those of you who wish to believe liars, then I hope she visits your sim and does what she did to me.

[2024/01/22 13:07] is messing with your security orb.

[2024/01/22 13:11] is messing with your security orb.

[2024/01/22 13:15] is messing with your security orb.

[2024/01/22 13:19] is messing with your security orb.

2024-01-22T13:24:13Z WARNING # newview/lltoastalertpanel.cpp(175) LLToastAlertPanel::LLToastAlertPanel : Alert: Darn. You have been logged out of DreamGrid

[2023/10/28 13:07] CyberGlo CyberStar: Can I help you?
[2023/10/28 13:08] ha ha ha
[2023/10/28 13:09] CyberGlo CyberStar: Hey! why are you touching my security orb way over there?
[2023/10/28 13:10] CyberGlo CyberStar: Please stoop that! What are you doing?
[2023/10/28 13:13] CyberGlo CyberStar: Hey, stop!! Why are you bothering my security devices in that building on the edge of my sim? My store is over here.
[2023/10/28 13:14] CyberGlo CyberStar: Hello???
[2023/10/28 13:18] CyberGlo CyberStar: I'm going to kick and ban you, if yoou don't leave my stuff alone right now!
[2023/10/28 13:19] CyberGlo CyberStar: Fine! suit yourself!

JayR Cela: If I recall corectly CyberGlo you have stated previsously in a post here that you are dealing with some RL mental health issues. I wish you the best with this struggle. I would suggest that you just l... 1 years ago
Phantom Rose Grid has a new address: Rose Welcome. Beacons have been changed and are working. Don't forget we have a number of Adventure Quests that are available 24/7; do solo or bring friends.

CyberGlo SyberStar brings his wealth of knowledge to Koryphon Acadamy on AMV. Learn how to script in Open Sim! CyberGlo will be sharing his extensive expertise in a way that you can easily comprehend and understand.

Every Tuesday @ 6pm grid time

Learn from the start, basic scripting through to advanced.

hop:// Academy/532/401/25