Prince Amor @princeofamor

Florida Offline

55 professional Musician Florida,AVAILABLE single. Switch Strictly straight. I don't rp. Professional animated gif maker ASK. No ESCORTS please. Jung says I am INF/TJ. I am a Scorpio.

If any of my osgrid renters want their land on on my dreamgrid till it is back, just message me here. Doing my best to make sure you can access HG while osgrid is down. To make a FREE account go to INstructions to add the Maze Dream to firestorm can be found here Instructions are at

Hicks: thank you Prince :p 3 months ago

Just added 40 more avatars to the 200. Be a superhero or mech or spongebob. All free...never pay for things in opensim!

Jerralyn Franzic: Love it! Grabbed a few figures, including Beverly Crusher and the Peekachoo bot. Thanks again! =) 11 months ago
Blender class at 8PM grid time at hop:// SANDBOX DOTNET/132/116/22. Bring your issues or whatever all are welcome! Our current group project is working on animations with onigiri and blender 2.8 to bring in mixamo animations and all issues that happen there in. All are welcome to come!
Blender class at 8PM grid time at hop:// SANDBOX DOTNET/132/116/22. Bring your issues or whatever all are welcome! Our current group project is working on animations with onigiri and blender 2.8 to bring in mixamo animations and all issues that happen there in. All are welcome to come!
Blender class at 8PM grid time at hop:// SANDBOX DOTNET/132/116/22. Bring your issues or whatever all are welcome! Our current group project is working on animations with onigiri and blender 2.8 to bring in mixamo animations and all issues that happen there in. All are welcome to come!
Blender class at 8PM grid time at hop:// SANDBOX DOTNET/132/116/22. Bring your issues or whatever all are welcome! Our current group project is working on animations with onigiri and blender 2.8 to bring in mixamo animations and all issues that happen there in. All are welcome to come!

Blender class tonight at 8 grid time. Bring your problems or requests. We are working primarily on animations at this time. Come one come all! hop:// SANDBOX DOTNET/132/116/22

Blender class at 8PM grid time at hop:// SANDBOX DOTNET/132/116/22. Bring your issues or whatever all are welcome! Our current group project is working on animations with onigiri and blender 2.8 to bring in mixamo animations and all issues that happen there in. All are welcome to come!

Blender class at 9PM grid time at hop:// SANDBOX DOTNET/132/116/22. Bring your issues or whatever all are welcome!

Blender class at 9PM grid time at hop:// SANDBOX DOTNET/132/116/22. Bring your issues or whatever all are welcome!

BELNDER CLASS at 9 PM grid time come one come all! Come one come all questions and learning in progress!! Things on list how to make eyes with a mixiamo rig, how to make the jaw move. How to use the Bool Tool to name a few others. See you then!hop:// SANDBOX DOTNET/132/116/22

blender class free for all questions and answers. Been going great. I am so happy come one come all. Starts at 9PM grid time!

Meeting tonight at 9PM grid time...bring what you need help with ...or I will introduce how to convert the mapping of real player me avatars to sl/opensim!

Blender buddies regular weekly meeting will be at 9 PM grid time. Main topic is rigging. If you need caught up with installations feel free to come early. Otherwise come with something new you rigged from previous classes and bring questions! Very happy!
I am pleased to advertise the second blender class on rigging. Below is the notecard of required downloads to participate. Class will meet here promptly at 9PM Grid time.
downoad wuff

Oni Girl

auto rig

blender 3.5 preferred

KatKakoola: Just taken a look at those links, some things I didn't know about so I'll delve a little deeper! Kudos for posting this stuff, new things and new imagination are always needed x Sending 100 Excellence... 1 years ago
In honor of the first virgin atlantic flight. Come get your copy as you like. Just always share it forever. hop:// Airport/677/204/28
Set up for ubode...if you want bullet...toggle it.
come get your picture with the TNG crew...we have 20 rooms bunch of freebies in them for those curious for a treasure hunt. Take a shuttle ride...hop:// Empire Movie Project/354/294/1937

MorningGlory: Will do ... nice creative work there Prince :) " And you always reply to messages " 2 years ago