rayne @raynestorme

over the rainbow Offline

i am just me

Joined 7 years ago

About Myself

hippie soul, proud social justice warrior. far from perfect. doing my best. have only made it this far because God has brought me through.
Owner with Gabe & Huga of Barefoot-Dreamers Grid

kotu's wife in 1st, 2nd, and all life.
Dream Team member at Barefoot Dreamers Grid.
Huga's right hand

My Interests

digital art
my new cricut O.O
pc gaming
cuddling with my husband

Favorite Quote

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:7-8

My Regions

Rose Island
3 0 login.barefoot-dreamers.com:8002:Rose Island 0 Users
Our newest venue. A beautiful club on the sea! LIVE events, formal and semi-formal, Blues, Romance, dancing and dining.
more info
Welcome 2 Live Events
2 1 login.barefoot-dreamers.com:8002:Welcome 2 Live Events 0 Users
Come on out & meet the performers, make some new friends, catch up with some old ones. Barefoot-Dreamers is a Beach setting,... Event Region is Rated 'M'.. Moderate-Rating, but these rules still apply: No Violence, No offensive language, clothing or gestures, No Sexual activity Absolutely No Nudity....
more info


Hi everyone.

Some of you may know that Barefoot Dreamers Grid has been down, fully or partially for several days.

we are sad to say that things are still not functioning fully.

we are working on the server side, trying to restore assets and functions.

because of this, we are cancelling all events on Barefoot Dreamers Grid until we get it sorted.

We will post here when we get back to full functioning.

Please know that we are working on the issues and trying our best to get things back to normal.

stay safe!!! peace!! Huga, Gabe, kotu and rayne

LaviaLavine: Wishing the best for you all! Until you're back you will be greatly missed! 8 months ago
Hi everyone.

Some of you may know that Barefoot Dreamers Grid has been down, fully or partially for several days.

we are sad to say that things are still not functioning fully.

we are working on the server side, trying to restore assets and functions.

because of this, we are cancelling all events on Barefoot Dreamers Grid until we get it sorted.

We will post here when we get back to full functioning.

Please know that we are working on the issues and trying our best to get things back to normal.

stay safe!!! peace!! Huga, Gabe, kotu and rayne

Charice LIVE NOW @ Rose Island
come on over for this beautiful voice
login.barefoot-dreamers.com:8002:Rose Island

Charice LIVE NOW @ Rose Island
come on over for this beautiful voice
login.barefoot-dreamers.com:8002:Rose Island

Rogue will be Live today at Rose Island
come on over to Barefoot-Dreamers
where you will experience this sultry
voice rogue is both musician & vocalist
in both rl & virtual many years & is exceptional
performer come on over & enjoy


Rogue Galaxy will be performing LIVE, July 24th at 1pm grid time.
This semi-formal event will be the official opening of Rose Island.
We hope you can join us for the fun!

happening now!!

Rogue Galaxy will be performing LIVE, July 24th at 1pm grid time.
This semi-formal event will be the official opening of Rose Island.
We hope you can join us for the fun!

happening now!!

Due to unforeseen grid issues, our event (Evan Williams Live performance) is cancelled for tonight.
We hope to have Barefoot Dreamers back up as soon as possible. thanks everyone who is a part of our community both residents and visitors!

Wednesday June 14th at our Brand New Outdoor Event Stage!
Evan Williams 4pm
WashedUp Sideways 5pm
Both of these performers deliver outstanding vocals and guitar.

rayne: Evan Williams will be LIVE!! at 4slt!! Unfortunately, WashedUp had to cancel for today but will be back in two weeks :) 1 years ago
grids/regions with no export
Grids/regions with no export should have to say so on their region description. its ridiculous to say you have free content and then not have it set for export so people waste hours and hours there only to not be able to rez things.
if they are doing this just to get traffic so they end up on some list, that is not ok.
i am not the only one who is upset about this.
just look at comments/reviews on every one of avitron's regions.
please do something about this.
its not ok

Copper: Older here know those grids and avoid them. It was often postet at OSW . Also here a great source to look http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/ (be a little patient to load the site, because they added... 2 years ago

comments 40 post likes 23
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Isla Exotica De Gala

this is very well put together, all quality items. thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this, and for sharing with us !! i will keep checking back, as i found something today that was new. stay safe! peace!

Desperado County

we had a lot of fun exploring and will be back again. so nice to have the bike to ride around the region... thank you for sharing, found some nice clothes and bikes !!

AVW Welcome

thanks for the warm welcome Bob and Shea... love your world, thanks for sharing !

Rachels Citadel

this region is lovely, and so relaxing.. i loved walking around the shops and hearing the waves and the birds as i shopped. i also found several things here i had not seen before. thank you so much for sharing the items and also your lovely work in decorating.

Rock City

we have so much fun whenever we visit... Tryn and the rest are all great people... its always a blast !!

RRD Fashion Exclusives

great job on the textures, i can't wait to see what else you will create... i will keep your landmark handy, i'm sure i will be asked where i got the clothes and will point people in your direction. thank you for sharing !


thank you for sharing, found so many lovely things and you've done a great job with the layout, its a joy to wander around looking at all of the themed areas.

The Mesh Mall

great place, well laid out, excellent merchandise !

Free House Gallery II

wonderful houses, buildings, commercial buildings and beach builds. Rakis has done a great job, lots of hard work involved in setting this up and he is kind and ready to help if you have any problems or questions !

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