Safinemahoe2 @safinemahoe2

United States Offline

I spend my online time Satyr farming, building and bulldozing.

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Lunaria Emporium is here to help you complete your own personal vision. I offer my own high quality mesh, structures, and decor to take your world to a higher, more realistic level. Below are some of the many items I carry:

-Medieval tapestries, furniture, thrones, and weapons
-Japanese/Asian decor, lighting, statues, and art
-Art Deco bar area
-Building components such as windows, doors, columns, stairs, railing, and bridges
-Decor items such as furniture, area rugs, figurines, lighting, and fireplaces in multiple styles
-Free Ruth and Roth mesh avatars and accessories
-Free items from multiple categories
-Cemetery items, turning stones, and ritual circles
-Statues of all types and varieties
-Holiday decor such as Christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, area rugs, snow people, winter trees, as well as Autumn wreaths and trees

-Star Maiden steampunk airship with ballroom area
-Large venues: Majestic Entertainment Complex, Victorian Club, Lunaria Grand Ballroom, Renaissance Ballroom, Art Deco Lounge, and Modern Clubhouse
-Medieval Castles: Castle Ceridwen, Caerwyn Fortress, and Caerwyn Keep
-Japanese homes, tea houses, pagodas, main gate + walls, torii gates, bridges, and landscaping
-Classical structures such as a temple, a forum, a large pool, and pavilions
-A full cemetery on display

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here:

Hi , everything will be back soon..the moving to my own sim is almost completed..greets Tomas

wicked: Thank you, for the update.. I was trying to visit yesterday.. We need you around :) 8 days ago

Introduction to Wolf Territories Grid, including our control panel.

Come join us for a trip down memory lane where DJ Gentle plays a selection of tunes you will all remember from your favorite movies and TV shows.

Come as you are, or dress up like your favorite movie or TV show character to show us who you are on the inside :) Cove

Safinemahoe2: I am ready to hear my favorite tv show music and party at Oasis! Let's Dance!!! 15 days ago
Two new Tea Houses are now available at the Emporium. Each structure is a mix of prim and mesh and is finished with both PBR and standard textures. Each Tea House comes with a Tea Set Seating Group, working doors, and lighting controls for the interior and exterior. Each structure is about 360 prims, fits a 27M x 27M base area, and has modify and copy permissions. Matching garden pagodas are on display there as well and are also available.

In the lobby, click the Japanese teleport sign on the left, then you will see the Tea Houses across the way on the other side of the garden area that you can walk through. Alternately, you can walk out of the lobby and take a left until you come to a Japanese bridge with torii gates that takes you through the main gate to the Japanese area. All of those items are available as well.

Coming up next, I will be working on a temple and a shrine, followed by a more opulent home, and finally a castle. I will eventually wrap up this style with multiple accessories.

Wolf Territories Grid: Ooh another castle for my collection. 15 days ago
The two new Japanese Tea Houses are nearly complete - one wood and the other red. Each has a matching Tea Set Group like the one pictured here, and the zaisu chairs come with AVSitter and two animations. Both Tea Set Groups are available now, and the Tea Houses should be ready sometime tomorrow. All new items have both PBR and standard textures. In the lobby, click the Japanese teleport sign on the left, then you will see the Tea Houses across the way on the other side of the garden area. Alternately, you can walk out of the lobby and take a left until you come to a Japanese bridge with torii gates that takes you through the main gate to the Japanese area. All of those items are available as well.

Mistressdalgato: let me know when there ready 17 days ago
Friday Morning Chat & Catch-Up at Funsize Dinkies World Resort!
Start your Friday the Dinkies way! Join us for a relaxing morning chat and catch-up at the Funsize Dinkies World Resort. Grab a cup of coffee (or a warm bowl of milk) share stories, and catch up with friends in our cozy, welcoming space. Dinkies

#FunsizeDinkies #DinkieChat #FridayCatchUp #TwiztidTimezGrid
Lots of news and views from around Opensim in the past couple of weeks... like this:
The French-speaking community inaugurated a new garden of memory on Francopholie
Neverworld reorganized their continents
Safari went to see Anachron Young's Mystic paradise
Safine took us swimming
@EllenTiratzo organized a message from us all to Verna Avril
Alien encounters on OSgrid with Geo perez
We found out more about Hogwarts and Animesh from Taarna Welles
A tour of Paris with Ana, Nadir, and friends
Khiron Ametza tells her story
and finally, some background to tomorrow's big anniversary on Craft

Safinemahoe2: Thank you Thirza, it is an honor having you and the Safari people! The coordination for Safari guests, picture taking and article writing is a ton of work! We all owe you a huge Thank you for ... 25 days ago

I have a new office on Wolf Territories Grid in their new Workspace region, which is now their main landing.

Here's the hop: hop://

JeffKelley: You never disappoint us. 1 month ago
All I ever did when I was here was build, create magic huds, create oars, and try to help people. I was harassed a lot by a band of trolls, constantly picked on and lied on by others who will say and post and do anything. Even fake made up stuff. Many of you have asked me to come back and keep creating. I will think about it. I did have some more oars I designed and it would be a shame to see them languish on an old hard drive and not get shared. I'm not sure if they survived the last ssd failure on my system. But to date they have not been seen by anyone but me. Perhaps I will come back in a few weeks. I am thinking about it - in the very least to upload the other fantasy oars I have made if they survived.

JamieWright: Happy New Year Cyber. Do what makes you happy:) 1 month ago

Happy new year all! Weird start with Henk quitting suddenly but we wish him well. The show here will go on. Saturdays continue with Rosa in the Space Club.
No event this Tuesday but from Tuesday 14th we will be back in the Beach Club with our all new DJ line up. Pin Deluca and Zen Reiko need no introduction (stream courtsesy of Friends Grid). Our third Is DJ Anaguma who specialises in J-Pop and K-Pop. And of course there will be quiz!

All three will do sets on the 14th so be there!! And we hope to have more DJs in the pipeline soon :)

xxx Bobbi
The Japanese Home and Garden is now available at Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid! Just click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get to the display area. That area is under reconstruction but the home and the bridges are available now.

This is a full pbr build but still has standard textures for those using non-pbr viewers. The home itself has 5 rooms, each with separate sliding shoji doors and light controls. In the back is a full garden in the Japanese style with all new mesh flora and landscaping, it's own lighting control, as well as pbr prim water that is animated. The full build is 1154 prims and fits comfortably on 53m x 45m space. Permissions are modify and copy and comes with full instructions.

As a bonus, I included extras of all the plants and trees used in the build.

Mike Chase: Beautiful build! 2 months ago
The Japanese Home with Garden build is complete now and going through final testing. Every surface has both PBR and standard textures, including the prim water with movement. This has been a fun project and I'm excited to release it at the store soon.

Mistressdalgato: already trying to figure out where i am going to put this. cant wait to see it when its finished. 2 months ago
3 more hours, so time to pick your outfit and come to

the Friends Grid Christmas party!

When: Thursday, December 19 11.00 grid time / 20.00 Central Europe
Where: At Club Oasis
Who; Well, YOU, of course! Bring your friends, your loved ones, that awkward person who has nothing better to do..
What; Pop tunes and a ton of rock and even metal in the spirit of Christmas
Dresscode; something festive


Zuzu Bahro: We are saving room on the dance floor for you :D 2 months ago
While most of us associate PBR only with mirrors and shiny metals, there is a lot more to it since all surfaces benefit from it. The top pic here shows the room with the old standard (blinn phong) textures and materials taken using the FS 6.6.17 viewer, while the bottom pic shows the same room with all pbr textures taken using the FS 7.1.11 viewer. Note that you can add both texture sets to a surface so that any viewer can see something. Also note that there is a reflection probe filling this room that prevents the blue light outside from seeping in (a current known bug being investigated).

Saturation, lighting, and detail are significantly improved across the board when all surfaces are pbr, which is what Physically Based Rendering was designed to do: to more accurately capture the interplay of light on various surfaces. For those wondering about how performance was affected, these were taken using my 8 year old desktop that has a GTX 1070 graphics card. I was at 40 fps on ultra graphics, but you don't need to set the graphics that high to get this look. That's because the new viewer is more efficient since it uses more of your computer's available resources.

Jerralyn Franzic: I can get enough of this look shown here, even with all of the shaders turned off and PBR settings at minimum. For shinier things I do need to set PBR a bit higher than minimum, but it doesn't affect ... 2 months ago

Passion Jumanji: I have these trees from Luna's Store :D I love them :D I see there are more there that I want now :D Hehe :D 2 months ago

Arcfury: Amazing. ... Now there it looks like you are starting to turn into a J-type 327 Nubian royal starship. :) 3 months ago

My current project. Getting back into a style I really love after a long hiatus.

Mistressdalgato: tosses you some gloebit, gimmie gimmie gimmie! 3 months ago
Bored by the Box? Don't even go there, Opensim has so much else going on! Here are a few items that might inspire and cheer you
The upcoming Film Fest organized by Loru Destiny
A new Japanese grid
Ieko Catnap's 'Last Ever Region'
The story of a mesh-maker, Taarna Welles

hi this is jami its with a heavy heart that dj James badass has Passed away in Rl he was my soul mate on here and in rl this is his rl photo

Jude Connors: I am sorry for your personal loss and the loss of a great to the community. 3 months ago
Found a parking space for the X-Wing over at the store. Flew her over from Luna Starbase after giving her a new PBR paint job. Might be time again to give her some exercise flying across the grid.

Made by Lain Iwakura of Iwakura Systems and scripted by Armenious Horada. I helped Lain with the model upload issues and some of the texturing and also helped with flight testing. They have some interesting hud, weapons, and flight characteristics. Armenious has moved on to other projects outside of Opensim and Lain is no longer making the models though she is still on Kitely. Their entire inventory of about 20 ships was given to me as a trust to preserve. I'll eventually display them all at Starbase.

You can see the X-Wing at the store next to the cinema. HG Address is Emporium - Main Store
One-destination hypergate available at the store. Set it to any destination on your region, your grid, or on the hypergrid. Click the Egyptian sign in the lobby to get to the display. This photo is unretouched, taken using the new midday setting. To see it this way in world, use the latest Firestorm viewer 7.1.11 then activate the left-side mirror options in the graphics settings. Original gold textures will be seen if using the older FS 6.6.17 viewer and I recommend using shared environment in that case, since the old default midday will yield the poorest results.

*** New on Camballa***
Small winter market on Camballa
have lots of fun in the winter
wishes to you all
your Karin

Experimenting with the glass properties of PBR

ToniaKara: Beautiful x 4 months ago

LeonitasLionheart: this is touching and so true. we all have real lives and challenges and obstacles that pull us away, but our friends and the mutual admiration and respect pulls us back to our fantasy realms, whenever... 4 months ago

More fun with PBR

OpenSimUser: Pabst Blue Ribbon? lol 4 months ago

Trick or Treat!

Safinemahoe2: Awesome outfit Aeris! 4 months ago
Chapter 10 - Amaranthine from my book Eos Renascent is now on Wattpad. You can read it here for free:

“I…I..” he stammered, unable to find words for what he was experiencing.

These are not your past,” she said gently, “these are all you, now, in this moment.” She let go of his hands. “You will not remember it all, but you will remember the feelings and the longings, the love and companionship. They will carry you to fulfill your purpose.”

“I don’t want to leave,” he tried to say, as the beautiful scene slowly faded then disappeared.

Lukas found himself back at the gathering in the temple with the Amaranthine, unaware of the angry crowd around him. He felt the fog descend over his mind once more and it saddened him. Falling to his knees, he looked up into her eyes as she reached down to touch his cheek.

“Always remember, Lukas, you only see what you're looking for. When you want only love, you will see nothing else.”
Last week's Safari tours, plus an in depth interview with Pangea Grid's Marlon Wayne
The thoughtful, profound and unmissable installation by Loru Destiny
Exploring Moonrose grid, with the very talented Chrissy Coage
Pangea Grid's birthday
Explore the cemetery area at Lunaria Emporium. Click the Gothic sign in the lobby to experience a truly dark and mysterious build, and make sure Shared Environment and sounds are turned on. Featured on Octoberworld on Kitely by Storylink Radio.
Sometimes when you start to build you think, I don't think I can ever do this. But as you build, it begins to come alive and you're inspired and encouraged and it becomes a work of love. I have a love for ancient cultures and their architecture and customs and Japan is one of my favorites. A culture rich in traditions, customs, values and beliefs that are the heartbeat of the nation still today. This is Morisato Palace, Morisato means "flowing with or full of wisdom". It will be the central build of a new Japanese region I'm working on. When it's ready I'll put out a beacon and open the gates. For an idea of the size of this palace, that's me in the front of it in the pink top, the little white haired spot LOL. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Nojan: great work! 5 months ago
Someone asked to see a PBR mirror in Opensim so here's mine. Use the latest Firestorm viewer and make sure mirrors are enabled in your graphics settings. You can find the instructions to make your own here:

Sabrinastav: I sincerely admire your creations and I think you are one of the people who knows the most about these things in Opensim, but I must say that your post was directed to Mirrors specifically, and not to... 5 months ago

Arcfury: I wonder if it is now possible to make something that could work like a "mirror". Since I can sort of see your reflection in that floor. 5 months ago

Safinemahoe2: Details make the difference! excellent work! 5 months ago

I love the look that PBR gives to polished marble floors

Araminta Hexx: I just visited your marble floors! I (temporarily) cranked up my settings to Ultra and enabled all shaders. Looks beautiful. I'm on a 2020 Apple M1 Macbook Air with 8gb ram and had no real issues, but... 5 months ago
After many requests, I've added a new Egyptian area to my store Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Most of the large items are ready, except for the pyramid club which is nearly done. There are a few smaller items ready but there will be many more of those to come and some will be free. Click the Egyptian sign in the lobby to teleport there.

MaiseyMoon: Seeing this reminds me of the Neverending Story ♥ 5 months ago

Another pic of the new Egyptian area at Lunaria Emporium. Gonna be packing a lot into this one.