Royale @serra


hello there! I am Royale or Roy for short. I run Mobius Grid, A virtual world for gamers. As you might have guessed I am a huge fan of retro gaming especially the 16bit era of games.

Joined 9 years ago

About Myself

Hello! I am Royale, and I am the owner of Mobius Grid! I also manage the sales of regions on our grid!

If you have any questions about purchasing a region, you can message me inworld or on our Discord server.

Music I Like

80s Heavy Metal (mostly Dio)

OpenSimulator Version

Consortium 1.0 Dev

My Regions

Welcome Center
2 0 Center 0 Users
Commercial Mall with free shops! To claim a shop contact Royale Mobian One shop per person (NO alt accounts) Uses Gloebit for currency
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Marble Zone
18 2 Zone 0 Users
Green Hill Zone is the welcome area of the Mobius Grid, a video gaming community open to all. This experience cleverly combines loads of must-haves, like social zones, with some great architectural features. Like SL on, Mobius Grid uses Experience Tools for alot of the interactive parts of our re...
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