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With a broken heart, I inform you that our dear friend and lover of Virtual Worlds, Veritas McMaster, passed away in a house fire trying to save her beloved cockatoo Sophie.

Derrybeg Arabello: I did not know Veri .. very well, only chatted in passing. She seemed to me like a very sweet and caring person, and of course, she'd care enough about her bird to go back for it. We need more peo... 2 years ago

Upgraded sky with EEP, new clouds,rainbow,planets,milkyway

sharanncousine: greetings peter 3 years ago
In hospital fighting to stay alive again at present. Signed power of attorney no life support, no more amputations. Sorry my world's are down. I am not doing well, and no money to fix PC still. Provided I make it home again. haha! Wish me luck. Prayers, love, hugs, n high 5's everyone. :)

Luna Lunaria: Love you Buddy! 2 years ago
Priscilla paid me a visit. She couldn't do anything to my sim... at all... But I hit her with a bolt of lightning seen here in this video, also with an elven attack, and orbiters (lol), followers, and a clouder. heheheh Double click the picture for a bigger view of priscilla hanging helplessly in the air, being jerked around by magic. hahahaha. She finally got mad and ran off... :)

sharanncousine: Go Git her cyber lol 2 years ago
AMERICAN ELM TREE (Ulmus americana) NEW RELEASE *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 06!
- Low prim mesh models! Up to 12 trees into one single prim"
- Seasonal textures included!

Enjoy :)
Hi Folks
Nice that you are all still here. Friends, envious, haters and hackers I love you all. You think Rakis is dead? Noooooo! 8 unix grid now run fine. ♥ You want my OAR's e.g. Free House Sim 1 + 2 and more? Then go to my website and get it. Hacker, trying to hack the website. The surprise will be great. :-D
have fun.
DMCA blah blah: Everything has to be passed on to CMT. Just as we got it from the creator. Later access changes go by our ass. For lawyers: IGE IPI CH
Charge for your own work, but take everything from others for free !? Steal all CMT right and left and pass on NO mod, NO copy, NO trance. Those are the ones that should be banned from OS!

Best Regards
Rakis Heron
Are you a peace maker? Are you a peace maker or a troubler stirrer? Do you do things to escalate situations or do you calm down people and settings? Who are you? What do your actions say about you to others? Do you always find conflict? Do you have friends that turn into enemies all the time? Do you know how to have friends? Try operating from a base of love. Not siding with one person or another person, but loving them both. Try to understand what it would be like to be either of the people involved in the argument, and why they feel so strongly about the situation - even if they are polar opposite one another in their beleifs. How do people arrive at entirely different sides of an argument 180 degrees apart? How can a view point change the meaning of words from black to white? Is it perspective? What can you do to help? Are emotions heated? Is anyone getting hurt? Is what YOU are doing making the situation better? What kind of person are you? The bible says that if you think everyone else is evil, that it is actually YOU who are evil. Learn to love everyone, and always always operate from a base of love. Are you a peace maker? or a trouble maker? Does your joy come from stirring up strife among people? Ask yourself if that is the case why your joy must come from darkness, instead of light? What is wrong with you? How can you change to become a better person?

HanHeld: It's important to remember that what you read here doesn't necessarily reflect what people think or feel in-game. There's a whole lot of grids and not all of them are represented here. The smalles... 2 years ago
What's new on Camballa
two beautiful evening dresses with which you
all eyes on you
have fun with it and have a good time
your Karin Becker
Neues auf Camballa
zwei wunderschöne AbendKleider mit dem du
alle Augen auf dich ziehst.
hab viel spass damit und eine gute zeit
eure Karin Becker

Symphony: Sick! \0/ 2 years ago

I wish you a Merry Christmas. Ich wünsche euch allen frohe Weihnachten. - Loru

Alle Bewohner vom Soul Grid wünschen euch ein frohes Weihnachstfest .
Viele schöne Momente im Kreise Eurer Lieben.
Und vor Allem viel Gesundheit!

All the People from, Soul Grid wish you all a merry christmas
Enjoy the peaceful time with your loved ones and please all stay healthy

toutes les personnes de la Grid de Soul vous souhaitent un Joyeux Noël
Beaucoup de beaux moments dans le cercle de vos proches
Et s’il vous plaît, gardez tout le monde en bonne santé !
"I Am So".
Whether it's inattention, inertia, ineptitude, or some other kind of in-thing, all too many people are lacking a profile picture. Are you to be counted among these unfortunates? Or perhaps you have grown tired of your profile picture and are looking for something a bit more...different.

Problem solved. Come to our new Profile Picture Shop where you have your choice of countless (mainly because I'm too lazy to count) interesting, intriguing, inexplicable, or some other kind of in-thing, profile pictures.

Some call me weird, to which I say, "I am so!" These pictures may be suitable for display in your home if not your profile. Whatever the case, just be ready to say, "I am so!"

Visit the new Profile Picture Shop, especially if you are bored and have nothing better to do. (Which is kinda why I made the shop!)

Nico Kailani: Visit the back room for the new color pix! 2 years ago
That's the beauty of Christmas. Sometimes you don't know who's giving you presents!
Tomorrow I will be closing the seasonal sims Atmos and Xanten for the public again.
Thank you, thank you for your great interest, suggestions and nice comments. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your Thomas
Das ist das Schöne an Weihnachten. Manchmal weiss man nicht, wer dir Geschenke macht!
Morgen werde ich die saisonalen Sims Atmos und Xanten für die Öffentlichkeit wieder schliessen. Vielen Dank für das grosse Interesse. Ich wünsche Euch allen ein Frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Euer Thomas

RosemaryWoodhouse: Hello Thomas. Same to you. Some people confuse shy, reserved people with arrogance. You can't change them. Just stay as you are and don't change yourself to please others. Merry Christmas and all the ... 2 years ago
Continuing our series of profiles of the OSFest team, this time Thirza Ember.
Bookmark our Blog page, it will have information and reviews throughout the festival!
OSFest begins July 8, and runs for 17 days of music, entertainment, shopping and exhibits.

sharanncousine: want t-shirt! 3 years ago

Kashi Takeshi: Awesome ! 2 years ago
The plot thickens!
Over the next few days it will be possible to choose your parcel on the opensimfest Grid using a new webpage on

We are working as fast as we can to get your access to the grid and open registration for those who opt to use local avatars (HG avatars can be added/invited to your parcel groups).
For those planning to use HG avs only, contact Shelenn.Ayres (note we cannot invite HG avs to the parcel groups until you visit the OSFest 2022 grid so we need to coordinate times)

Spax Orion: KUDOS to all who make Opensim GREAT! I wish you the BEST for this festival. I will only do licking if you serve HEAVENLY HASH iced cream on a sugar cone! 3 years ago
Hi there Kleenex (Waves). I'm so sorry that Google maps can only zoom in so far. But I can see you wheepin', so I'm giving you a wave. Are you sure you want to continue on that road?

As kindly pointed out by @misty_falls: No names mentioned here, no IP, no MAC, just an image of a neighborhood that would be familiar only to trolls.

Nico Kailani: This person (me) will take my own ip address and expose it to the public: Here's a shout out to all of the other people with VPN Singapore ISP addresses! Mine is 3 years ago
Little hacker bastard. Look how big the story is. You can hack as much as you want. It doesn't change the story. You are only momentary and nothing you do as a hacker makes you bigger. You are nothing, you have nothing, you will not have been in the end. How pathetic and pitiful. You think what you do is important and right. But you are alone, frustrated, and your hacking successes are those pathetic self-affirmations that don't really satisfy you. You want a world where you are respected. But you are not able to find your way in this world. Not able to approach people and see and accept the positive. To be or not to be, that is the question. In the end it was light or nothing. It's up to you. The negative cannot win. The + always flows to the - and no hacker turns it around. Hackers are mostly children of drug parents or rich people who are socially unfit. So sad, OK smart kids wake up sometime and make something of their life. Failures give up and their characters become impoverished. They fight hard for recognition in an environment where everyone is abusing everyone else to achieve the same illusion. In principle intelligent .... but what use is it if you are socially unfit? There are people who have created positive things, whose name will survive. Your miserable life and the attempts to enrich yourself ...... Your demise will not be noticed.

Something is wrong with the world

Kashi Takeshi: I took both trip dude! 2 years ago


**** Christmas Gnome Outfit ****

Now Available in the New RRD Christmas Shop

Ok... just looked through some of the recent front page posts. I've been here in Open Sim for about nine months now.

I have accounts in OSgrid and Kitely.

I'll have to admit a good deal of my wardrobe is possibly copybotted. I'd like to know if anyone is willing to send me a list of LM's showing truly original, OS based stuff (aside from Lunaria), I'd appreciate it. Most of my wardrobe is rigged to the Athena body. I also have a small number of Ruth2 takes. For my male alts (yes, I have a few, using the same names that I established for them in SL), I use Adonis and Roth2.

There was a discussion recently that influenced me to write this post. It's located below the post from Luna Lunaria, #92052. I totally understand creators desiring to be compensated for their creations. I have spent a fair amount of L$ to gather some of my clothes in SL. I wouldn't mind paying a few K$ or O$ for some creations on this side of the metaverse, as I think that's quite fair.

Thansk to anyone that can help me out, I appreciate it. I'd prefer that the links be included publicly (instead of PMing me), so other users can find it easily.

Misty_Falls: @Shea ... AGREED ....we the creators and builders of OS, do it because we want to better ourselves, by making things better for others; NOT for PROFIT.... money is evil, and will be the downfall of t... 2 years ago

Mind Odyssey - Pain Passes coming soon. 3D immersive Artscapes. Be part of the Art. Explore Mind Odyssey a sim dedicated to Art.

Marianna : Thank you, Nyx... 3 years ago

The Paula Rego retrospective is now open, enjoy the show and learn more about the Portuguese artist at the Art Factory

Kashi Takeshi: I did take a sneek peek last week.. nice work ! We need more art in the Metaverse. 3 years ago

Tomis Shopping Mall

The OSFest 2022 website has been updated with new images from participants, HG addresses to all public regions, event lineups for all three filled weekends, sponsor ads, and sponsor links. We've added download, heart, and social share icons for the images. You can see the website here:

Kudos to the great OSFest team!

We open in two days! Construction on the grid is happening at a fast pace. Late entries for free parcels and sponsors are welcome!

In celebration of Summer, this is the Summer Solstice ring-lapis lazuli
in the foyer of Monentes Jewelry. Jewelry


Experience a dozen unique visual art experiences.
Midnight Windlight setting, Draw set to 900 meters, Music volume on-
Dance explore take pictures to enjoy.

Rudi Bakerly: I love it. For the fans of Light Art, Particels and Illumination is this the perfect spot. A must see and im amazed about it. Go on Nyx ! 3 years ago
How about some target practice ??? I have made a target you can shot with a arrows, guns, or magic wands and the target will show the area hit. When you are ready click the red box on the side and the target gets reset to new! Have shooting matches! Practice your aim! Yes you can god mode it, make it your own, squish it into a ball and bounce it off the wall, whatever you want to do with it... :)
I have a Christmas section in the shop that's there year round. I add a little each season. There are several snow globes and I also included plain versions that can be used year round. There's even a person sized one you can dance in...or just have the npc's dance for you :)

Another View of the ShipYard in Galaxywarz Grid


Bubbleland Coming to Pangea Soon - Ride the Love Bubble through a unique 3D Artscape.

Immersive - Polaroid -Single Particle presentation - Hologram

Overlooking King David's palace and the Tabernacle in the background. I hope you'll visit and enjoy this region which is an effort to acknowledge the beauty of the land of Israel and Jerusalem in the time of King David and the architecture. Such a beautiful culture. Perhaps we'll see you there. Shalom.
DJ CLAN at the ClanAir Airport MONDAY 1PM
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [18 Jul 2022 13:00 SLT]

First Class passengers now boarding.... Captain Clan is here to get your boogie shoes moving and your spirits soaring! First class all the way! You know he's really, really certain you won't guess the contest for bits this week. But then when doesn't he say that ;) See you here!

Immersive - Tinsel Town


Karen Mansour: As many of you will know I used to work RL in the Adult Entertainment Industry - so maybe have a different take on what is Adult rated, bearing in mind that you can turn on the tv and see death and go... 3 years ago
Cornflakes Week! It is the final week of February.
It's a uniquely Opensim festival, not linked to any season, religious, or national festival.
It's about silliness, fun and bright colors.
It's a way to show solidarity and unite opensim.
Any grid or region can hold their own version of a Cornflakes party! If you plan to mod your usual weekly dance event to make it cornflake-y I would love to know, and include it in the video this year.
To know more about Cornflakes:

Thirza Ember: Foxx Bode is organizing 2 Corny parties on Event Plaza, and the Safari that week will hold a big Corny party on a build by Cherry Manga, with live music by Whirli Placebo 3 years ago

Many turquoise and silver rings and bracelets, necklace too. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Hope to see everyone there. AVW we dance quit often repairing our soul from the inside out.

Ⓩ░░░ ( ¯:¯)░乙ƠƦЄЄ░JUPƖƬЄƦ
Ⓞ░░(¯`·.\ /.·´¯)░Osgrid Event Plaza
Ⓡ░ (¯ `·. ❀.·´¯)░3:00 - 4:00pm
Ⓔ░░(_.·´/ \`·._)░ Casual
Ⓔ░░░ (_.:._)░Come have Fun!