Liked posts

New Mesh Concert Stage "BEATS LIVE" available for all free scripted commands turn on and off lights, headlights that follow you! Smoke machine included! Media streaming included!

Great: I saw the post about this stage and went to see it. I did not expect to find myself in entertainment heaven. A region complete with everything you need to organise events. The owner is a very humble a... 1 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ANNIVERSARY – Jubiläumsparty C&C ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

We clebrate our 2 Year Partnership CRAZY & CARMEN
Wir feiern unsere 2 jährige Partnerschaft

You are all warmly invited to celebrate with us
Ihr seid alle recht herzlich eingeladen mit uns zu feiern

Monday / Montag 11.September 2023
starts ◕11:00 OS time / 20:00 Uhr europ.


good mood / gute Laune


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION 2 ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: we thx all the wonderfull guests at our anniversary - PEACE and LOVE to all wishes C&C 1 years ago

New today, Jewelry

Marianna: Hello, sending an apology to Mahina Nova and Cinda Windlow, I was very afk working on jewelry thank you for stopping by!! 1 years ago

ChuBelz Grid ist ab sofort geöffnet
ChuBelz Grid is now open

KikiBaily: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Eröffnung Euch Beiden :-) 2 years ago

looks deceptiful simple, but texturing it pinpoint was daunting..this is my final for ZZ !

Zoe: Amazing work. Again the high quality of all the wonderful details of your works. Congrats Peter. 1 years ago
Danke für eure liebevollen Worte und Gebete. Danke allen, die in dieser schweren Zeit mir beigestanden und unseren Rudi das letzte Geleit gegeben haben. Danke auch für die vielen Blumen- und Kranzspenden, mit denen ihr eure Anteilnahme und Wertschätzung gezeigt habt.
In tiefster Dankbarkeit

OtterLandMGM: 2 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Lover´s and Friends Party ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

Heaven`s Gate – Himmelstor
very romantic venue - sehr romantischer Veranstaltungsort
Couples and Singles, all gender welcome , meet new people chill, dance , relax,
Paare und Singles , alle Geschlechter sind willkommen, neue Leute kennen lernen, entspannen, relaxen, tanzen,chillen,

Saturday / Samstag 12.August 2023
starts ◕12:00 OS time / 21:00 Uhr europ.

with/mit ☊DJ CRAZY Liveset
▶▷▶ at CC – CLUBREGION 1 Heaven`s Gate / Himmelstor
Love, Cuddle, Dance Live remixes
enjoy / good mood / gute Laune / gute Stimmung
Dresscode: come as you are / kommt wie ihr wollt


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: on Way to Heaven 1 years ago
Ecco qua una grid italiana dove poter giocare ballare cantare fare musica interagire con tutto il metaverso italiana ma anche internazionale ricordiamo che è aperta a TUTTI.
A breve apriremo anche la land dedicata allo shopping , e la land dedicata ai giochi.
Here is an Italian grid where you can play, dance, sing, make music, interact with the whole Italian but also international metaverse, remember that it is open to ALL.
Soon we will also open the land dedicated to shopping, and the land dedicated to games.

Aquí hay una grilla italiana donde puedes tocar, bailar, cantar, hacer música, interactuar con todo el metaverso italiano pero también internacional, recuerda que está abierto a TODOS.
Próximamente abriremos también el terreno dedicado a las compras, y el terreno dedicado a los juegos.

Hier ist ein italienisches Raster, in dem Sie spielen, tanzen, singen, Musik machen und mit dem gesamten italienischen, aber auch internationalen Metaversum interagieren können. Denken Sie daran, dass es für ALLE offen ist.
Bald werden wir auch das dem Einkaufen gewidmete Land und das dem Spielen gewidmete Land eröffnen.

Darci Viper: would love to visit but cant find the LM for this 2 years ago
Volle Moehren Party im Tosca !!!
:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ Volle Möhre Party im Tosca
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ Heute/Today
┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ 20Uhr/11SLT
┊ ┊ ❤ Hasencharts & Osterrock......hier Wackelt das Möhrenfeld
┊ ☆ ♥ Dj Nasti ♥

Captain Shadow: Best Easter Party I've been to in years !!! 2 years ago

Happy Easter! Have a great Time filled with joy and lots of yummy Easter eggs!

Crazyposeidon: HAPPY EASTER / Frohe Ostern wünschen wir euch allen C&C 2 years ago
SkyRealm Observatory is a work in progress-please stop by anytime and see the transformation of this observatory. We are making progress, thank you to @FerdFrederix just wow! Also @JamieAnnaWright thank you for contributing to my clock collection!

Luna Lunaria: Reminds me of Citadel on the Isle of Wyrms in SL. Always loved that place. 2 years ago

Please stop by anytime and see a work in progress. SkyRealm Observatory...

Carmen Jewel: What a great evening we had, ty Genie, great tunes! 1 years ago
Heute ist "Oldie-Zeit"

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit tollen Leuten , toller Musik und guter Atmosphäre freuen.
Heute sind Oldies angesagt, also rein in eure Party-Outfits und auf ins Tosca 20:00 Uhr gehts los

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Oldie Time"

You can look forward to an evening with great people, great music and a good atmosphere.
Today it's Oldies Time, so get into your party outfits and come to Tosca. Party starts 11:00 SLT

We look forward to seeing you

KarinBecker: Freu mich drauf ........... 1 years ago

The E Ticket Amusement Park.

Good eats and better rides, come stay and play, in this wonderful playland!! Great for the whole family, just opened!

All thanks to Cuteulala :)

Mistressdalgato: After paying a lot of money for this it was a shame that it was all the suddened released for free. if everyone has the same oar then there is nothing unique to set grids apart. im in no way begin dis... 2 years ago

Heute abend Eröffnen wir den Sommer :)

Jeder ist Willkommen

Taxi zum Beach : Nova Beach Resort

KarinBecker: freu mich drauf 2 years ago


Jupiter Rowland: Hast du die alten Strumpfhosen aktualisiert? Frage für eine Verwandte. 2 years ago

Heute dem 20. Februar um 19:00 Uhr Deutscher Zeit ( 10AM Gridtime) auf Koeln der grosse Rosenmontags Umzug. Koeln freut sich auf eueren Besuch. Alaaf

Kashi Takeshi: Der beste Karneval, den ich in OpenSim gesehen habe. Die Arbeit an den Autos war sehr künstlerisch. Alaaf! :) 2 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ EBM Music Party ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂▁

New Opening – Neueröffnung !
EBM Bunker – CC Club

Couples and Singles, all gender welcome , meet new people chill, dance , relax,
Paare und Singles , alle Geschlechter sind willkommen, neue Leute kennen lernen, entspannen, relaxen, tanzen,chillen,

Saturday / Samstag 05.August 2023
starts ◕12:00 OS time / 21:00 Uhr europ.

with/mit ☊DJ CRAZY Liveset
▶▷▶ at CC – CLUBREGION 2 EBM Bunker
Industrial, Synthpop, EBM, Gothic, Dark Techno and more
enjoy / good mood / gute Laune / gute Stimmung
Dresscode: come as you are / kommt wie ihr wollt


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION 2 ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: ▶▷▶ all Systems running Club doors is open to the World 1 years ago

Hope you will have a not such a scary easter than those 2 kids!
A peaceful easter to you all and hope you will find big eggs with your beloved ones!

Thirza Ember: Thomas you are a genius. Thanks for the laugh. 2 years ago

Morgen Abend ab 20 Uhr spielen wir die besten Hits aus den Charts Nova Beach Resort

KarinBecker: da sind wir dabei datt isssssssssssss primaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lach 2 years ago
Camballa has had a remodel.
I hope it will be easier for everyone to find everything now.
Please take the time to look at the conversion and draw a new landmark.
because Caballa not only got a new face but also a new position. I wish you a lot of fun shopping.
Your Karin Becker


Sylvia-Koeln: So........ Uniform gebügelt für die Weltreise 1 years ago
We proudly bring to you our New Releases at C&C Mall 21.04.23
Office releases :
The Uptown Office , The Small Corner Office, The Executive Office, The Casual Office and In the Office
All are adult scripted/
Dont forget to wear your Peaceislands Group Tag!
Taxi : Worldwide Mall

Wir präsentieren euch stolz unsere Neuerscheinungen vom 21.04.2023 in der C&C Worldwide Mall
The Uptown Office, The Small Corner Office, The Executive Office, The Casual Office und In the Office

Carmen Jewel: Taxi : Worldwide Mall 2 years ago

Grand Opening of The Land Of Xzar Sunday! Party at the Castle with DJ Metal Tango, 5 pm grid time. Details soon.

Star Ravenhurst: Correction: 3 PM grid time 2 years ago

News at Camballa
Eevi outfit Shorts-top and Sneaker
in any colors
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

Hange: sympa la tenue merci 2 years ago
♥Ѡɦσ❯ Putri Solo!!!
♥Ѡℹȶɦ❯ Her AMAZING voice !!!
♥ᴡнєɳ❯ 1 PM PST ( CET 22 Uhr )
♥Ѡɦαȶ❯ Come Strut to The Music!!!

hop:// OF THE GYPSIES/897/272/24

SheaButter: Oh darn, nobody there! 2 years ago
Nautilus Cape Cod has reopened its Fish House Restaurant! Have a romantic Dinner or grab a lunch after sailing and exploring the Nautilus Ocean waters. The Restaurant is across from the Marina that has many free boats that work effortlessly on the Nautilus waters. The Restaurant has charming views of Cape Cod which has long term residents. There are free cottages to call home, the last one just became available and sits on its own private Island. ENJOY! Cod

Chad Deischer: Thank you for the likes 2 years ago

Someone came to make pictures ... thanks to 4ever Solstice

MillyAnnMorgana: Very nice picture, dark, moody & Mysterious! Was wondering what size pictures work best to upload here?? 2 years ago
On Camballa in the news box you can find a lot of new things for Valentine's Day.
Pretty for the wonderful day with your loved one
or for a hot party
Use the teleporter to the news box
Auf Camballa in der News-Box ist für den Valentins Tag vieles neues zu finden.
Hübsches für den wunderbaren tag mit deinem liebsten
oder für eine heisse party
Nutze den Teleporter zur News Box

DJ Angelic Tonight 12 to 14 SLT at Mistrals Deck Caribou - Pop Songs

Adult Playground - Friendly, Beautiful, Exciting. Free Homes, Islands, Hideaway, Soft Love, BDSM. LGBTQ+.

As 18+ you are safe here. You can be very free.

Kids, please grow to 18+. Not just size, it is the impression. Ask Jeanne...

All are equal and welcome. No vip groups needed.

Come explore. New things every day.

Make a Caribou Grid Avatar?

And this is what you can hear and see on Sunday September 10.

Funkeln - Be Amazed - 3DArtscapes
8/31/23 @ 11SLT - Party DJ Marlon - Ride the Globes - Dance - Explore and stare in amazement.

It is almost Jazz & Blues Festival time! Here is the schedule for Saturday September 9.

Welcome to the enchanting Goliath Gardens, a realm where you can actually be a bug! As a bug you can experience the wonders of nature up close in this goliath-sized garden. We have bug Avatars! Ladybug, Beetle, Bee, and Praying Mantis!! Be careful in the garden there is a snake that might bite! Gardens Thank you Ferd Frederix!
DJ Rosa's Sunday Night Blues Bash! 6:00PM!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
DJ Rosa is filling in for DJ Kith at Rockin' The Blues tonight to spin blues tunes that will ease you into a new fantastic week! Rosa likes it HOT, HOT, HOT so be prepared for a rockin' evening down in the swamp! You love her Disco, Reggae and Latin sets, wait till you hear her sizzling Blues!! Come on down to Rockin' the Blues and hang out with friends old and new! It's going to be a great night! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
One of Opensimulator's Longest continually running Dance Parties! 10 years and counting!! LIVE DJ and Dancing!! Music from the 60's to current day!

Tonight at 8pm Pacific!