Come relax and enjoy a drink at the new at the La Fountaine Hotel at Avedon Park. For more privacy, check into one of the available suites. All are welcome and the hotel rules are posted clearly in the lobby. No magic is allowed in the hotel and all deals made within the hotel must be honored! Enjoy your visit!
Avedon Park is happy to welcome Chi-Chi's Boutique! Located at Luna's Landing in Avedon Park, Chi-Chi's Boutiques specializes in complete outfits and accessories for the Athena Petite and Legacy Perky mesh bodies. There are not one, but two stores to shop in. Stop by Lunas' Landing and explore Avedon Park. You can also find more of Chi-Chi's outfits at the beautiful Yin-Yang region.

SilviaFrey: Buenas noches. Sería tan amable de indicarme el hop donde se encuentra la boutique y también el de Yin Yan. El tp de la estación no me responde. Muchísimas gracias. 5 months ago
If the words you say are right
If you pay the price
She'll let you deep inside
But there's a secret garden she hides

Located at the edge of the gypsy lands, come explore The Secret Garden at Avedon Park. Explore the garden and relax inside the greenhouse pool. . Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.
Welcome to Port Arcadia in the Avedon South Region. Arcadia is a festive little gypsy port in the waters of Oceana. Much to explore! There is ample open water for boating, plenty of beautiful photo spots or just enjoy some horseback riding. We are extra proud to be the home of Black Cat Radio, the best music provider across the metaverse! Come by and grab a free radio and check out their festival grounds! Avedon South is an Adult region. Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.

Star Ravenhurst: It looks like a fun place to explore. 5 months ago
Our new landing station at Aveon Park is complete and ready to transport you to wherever you want to go. Explore and learn the history of the park and its founders, or perhaps you can solve the puzzle of the secret society! Explore the beautiful scenery or enjoy a hot air balloon ride. Play Greedy! Check into the La Fountaine hotel's suites, or just hang out in the piano bar. Shop at Luna's Landing. There is ample hiking, photo spots and great locations for boating. Enjoy some Live music at Tesla's. Explore the new Secret Garden. Shop at Luna's Landing. Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.