Star Morgath @star.morgath

United Kingdom Offline

I care a lot about people and my surroundings. Being an artist is at the heart of my soul. It has been my passion for a few years. Art chose me … pouring color onto canvas is therapeutic and healing for me. Art can change my attitude in an instant. I love what I do and love the outcome of what can be created with my hands..... something positive and inspiring.

Liked posts

Event Music DjChanel Hurricane
Where: Huang
When: 3 years ago [23 Jan 2021 13:00 SLT]

Live Dj
╠▧▧▧░▒ TECH House ▒░▧▧▧
╠▧▧▧►Dj: DjChanel Hurricane
╠▧▧▧►What: ♬ Planet ♬
╠▧▧▧►When: 1Pm SLT January 23
