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🥳We, at R. Lion Stores, hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.🥳
According with Santa's nice List, this year the ladies were the best behaved, so our gift is for them:😇
The new LaraX Mesh Body is available now at our new Avatar's components store, for you to get. Come quick!

SheaButter: Happy Holidays, to you and your family. Thank you, for sharing all those wonderful items. 12 months ago
*** OpenSIM Grand Piano V2 (VERSION 2) UDAPTED RELEASE ***
Tired of not finding a decent piano? And when it`s found it plays any sound but the piano itself? No more!!
-02 kinds of low prims models! (BLACK and WHITE models)
- 40 completed classic musics on 03 hours, 35 minutes and 20 seconds of audio!
- WAV and UUID files included in case HG plays the "betch"

Available for FREE and FULLPERM at SOUND area (BOX 07).
Enjoy :)
1 AEOLIAN HARP OP.25 N.1 Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:02:40
2 APPASSIONATA SONATA N.23 3RD MOV Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:08:00
3 AVE MARIA Johann Sebastian Bach 00:05:20
4 CAN-CAN Jacques Offenbach 00:02:00
5 CLAIRE DU LUNE Claude Debussy 00:05:30
6 EINE KLEINE NACHTMUSIK (A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 00:04:20
7 FANTAISIE IMPROMPTU OP.66 Frédéric Chopin 00:05:40
8 FLIGHT OF BUMBLEBEE Rimsky/Korsakov 00:01:20
9 GRANDE VALSE BRILLANTE E.MAJOR OP.18 Frédéric Chopin 00:05:30
10 GUILLAUME-TELL OUVERTURE G.Rossini/Franz Lisz 00:03:40
11 HEROIC POLONAISE OP.53 A FLAT MAJOR Frédéric Chopin 00:06:50
12 HUNGARIAN DANCE N.2 Johannes Brahms 00:02:20
13 HUNGARIAN RAPSODY II Franz Lisz 00:12:20
14 LA CAMPANELLA Franz Lisz/ Paganini 00:04:50
15 LIBESTRAUM N.3 (LOVE DREAMS) Franz Lisz 00:05:20
16 MAPLE LEAF RAG Scott Joplin 00:02:50
17 MINUTE WALTZ OP.64 N.1 Frédéric Chopin 00:01:50
18 MOONLIGHT SONATA 1ST MOVEMENT Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:07:00
19 MOONLIGHT SONATA 3RD MOVEMENT Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:07:10
20 NOCTURNE OP.2 N.9 Frédéric Chopin 00:05:10
21 PATHETIQUE SONATA N.8 C MINOR OP.13 ,3 Movements Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:18:10
22 PIANO CONCERT N.1 B FLAT MINOR OP.23 Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:03:30
23 POUR ELISE (FÜR ELISE) Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:03:40
24 RADETZKY MARCH OP.228 Johann Strauss 00:02:20
25 SONATA N.05 G MAJOR KV.283 3 Movements. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 00:12:00
26 SONATA N.16 C MAJOR K545 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 00:05:00
27 SUGAR PLUM FAIRY (THE NUTCRACKER SUITE) Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:02:00
28 SWAN LAKE OP.20 I.Scene Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:03:30
29 SYMPHONY N.5 Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:06:00
30 TEMPEST SONATA N.17 3RD Movement Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:07:00
31 THE ENTERTAINER Scott Joplin 00:03:50
32 TICO TICO NO FUBÁ Zequinha de Abreu 00:03:10
33 TORRENT ETUDE OP.10 N.4 Frédéric Chopin 00:01:50
34 TURKISH MARCH (RONDO ALLA TURCA) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 00:03:10
36 WALDSTEIN SONATA N.21 1ST MOV Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:10:40
37 WALTZ A MINOR B150 OP POTSTH Frédéric Chopin 00:01:50
38 WALTZ N.2 (Variety Stage Orchestra suite) Dmitri Shostakovich 00:03:40
39 WALTZ OF THE FLOWERS (THE NUTCRACKER SUITE) Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:07:00
40 WINTER WIND OP.25 N.11 Frédéric Chopin 00:03:40

Thirza Ember: Jimmy does it again... an Opensim hero! 3 months ago


LaviaLavine: These things are positively amazing and go beautifully in my new build. Outstanding work, beautifully done! 5 months ago

A new champ available now in ZZ-shop!

SilviaFrey: Que maravilloso loro, parece real y los otros objetos que encontré estupendos. He dado un grato paseó por su linda sim. Muchas gracias por los regalos y por ser tan amable. Saludos. 4 months ago

#christmas2023 #merrychristmas #arkhamgrid

thedeeferry: Same wishes to you and yours! Simply the best! 12 months ago
Sometimes when you start to build you think, I don't think I can ever do this. But as you build, it begins to come alive and you're inspired and encouraged and it becomes a work of love. I have a love for ancient cultures and their architecture and customs and Japan is one of my favorites. A culture rich in traditions, customs, values and beliefs that are the heartbeat of the nation still today. This is Morisato Palace, Morisato means "flowing with or full of wisdom". It will be the central build of a new Japanese region I'm working on. When it's ready I'll put out a beacon and open the gates. For an idea of the size of this palace, that's me in the front of it in the pink top, the little white haired spot LOL. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Nojan: great work! 3 months ago
Someone asked to see a PBR mirror in Opensim so here's mine. Use the latest Firestorm viewer and make sure mirrors are enabled in your graphics settings. You can find the instructions to make your own here:

Sabrinastav: I sincerely admire your creations and I think you are one of the people who knows the most about these things in Opensim, but I must say that your post was directed to Mirrors specifically, and not to... 3 months ago

May your holidays be filled with joy, and may the New Year bring you prosperity, love, and exciting adventures from all around the world!

AnKaBi: vom ganzen herzen wünschen wir ein schönes weihnachtsfest 12 months ago
It was exceedingly annoying to me that a Linda Kellie dress I really liked had something like a MILLION triangles and shot your avatar complexity to 500K.
I reduced the tri count significantly, until I could do no more without destroying the original mesh. Then I rigged for Ruth RC3 and wore it around my lonely little dreamgrid (my internet sucks, in those days I could see myself but nobody could see, talk to or visit me)(this is why I moved to OSgrid). More recently, I also rigged for Athena with my legal copy of the maitreya dev kit. It's common and there's people that prefer it-who am I to judge?

It's in Mythos now. Has pre made variants with the texture, all my textures included (all black dresses with a different type of tartan on each). Old doesn't equal ugly and usually in opensim if you don't like the "out of style" texture on something you can change can use any LK ruffle bottom texture, any one someone else made with the AO, etc. The original AO map is in the box.
It's a shorter skirt so I put some old bloomers I made, and some stockings from Shinobar Annex in the box as a courtesy.

Jupiter Rowland: Good thing you've added all your textures. That way, they can be applied to Linda's original meshes, complex as they may be. That said, would you consider rigging for two more bodies? One would be M... 12 months ago

Pooh The Bear Full Avatar & Animesh Dancing Pooh
- Full Avatar 56 cm
- Animesh Dancing Pooh (animation can be changed)

Nico Kalani: When using this Avatar, please use that endearing voice we all know, to utter a soft: "Oh bother." 5 months ago

Set Emily ready! :) hop://

CyberGlo CyberStar: How beautiful. I love it. Very exotic work! :) 6 months ago

Morning Coffee! Have a great day everyone.

KrisTina: A wolfie and his fleas,.... I mean thoughts. 1 month ago

I love the look that PBR gives to polished marble floors

Araminta Hexx: I just visited your marble floors! I (temporarily) cranked up my settings to Ultra and enabled all shaders. Looks beautiful. I'm on a 2020 Apple M1 Macbook Air with 8gb ram and had no real issues, but... 3 months ago

*** LIGHT BEAM COLLECTION *** From traditional to odd shapes & colors. Available at BOX 09 (LIGHTBEAM box). All for FREE and FULLPERM. Enjoy :)

Sodasullivan: Let there be light! 8 months ago
=OUT NOW: African Lu Decor Set=
A lovely African-style decor set with 3 different pieces.
Now at Starchild Shoppe: Odds& Decor

Uber: hop://

Marpil Grafenwalder: haaaaaaaaa!!!! lo ame! esas mascaras están de lujo 3 months ago
Safari starts up again next Wednesday! Usual time, 12 noon SLT. but departing from the new HG Safari grid, not from OSGrid, so please tell your friends about the change.
Recent posts on the HG Safari blog
A conversation with Victor DeAngelo
The new expanded Europa by Jimmy
Some insights into Star's upcoming gala event
A bit of background to tech guru Ai Austin
and some MorlitaM news
Happy reading!

Thirza Ember: Forgot to say, the picture shows the house/art of the very talented Xenon Darrow, on Europa 4 months ago

From all of us in The Pride to everyone, may you have a very blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, blessed New Year. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

thedeeferry: Wow, what a gorgeous lion! Magnificent! ≧❀‿❀≦) Same wishes to you and yours. 12 months ago
Something I've been playing with is texture change stuff and so I took a chair I found in open sim an a script from and some textures I have and POOF a chair that you can change the textures on the cushion. There are 12 different textures to choose from to suit whatever your décor is and it's free, full perm and waiting just for you! You can find it in the Holidays & Seasons department of the Masala Al Kohav Mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Andremus Miklos: A great chair, thank you Lavia! 6 months ago
Hello Friends! I have been busy working on my shop and have made this sweet stone house available. It comes with a stone wall you can use as well. I built it for Braewood Forest in The Land Of Xzar, so visit there if you would like to see it furnished with the things I made for it as the one at the mall is unfurnished. All should be copy if anyone wants, or ask me. I have included a kitchen you can place if you wish.
I have added a lot of landscaping items: planters with flowers, ground flowers and plants, and a beautiful collection of trees made with AI-generated textures. There are also some new water lilies to add to your ponds, as well as a wooden gazebo with a dance ball.
I make all of my content using sculpts and prims. The shop is full of decor and finishing pieces that help turn a house into a home.
Look for Star Ravenhurst Designs on the teleporter when you land.
Thanks for having a look! Big Hugs!! Al Kohav

Jared Seda: Awesome store! Really enjoyed visiting! Thanks for sharing your amazing creations. 7 months ago
Dear Friends,
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us yesterday to honor our dear friend, brilliant musician, and wonderful person, Torben Asp. Your presence and compassion made this moment truly special.
For those who wish, you can continue to visit the Torben Asp Memorial on Pangea to pay your respects. More information will follow.
Liebe Freunde,
von Herzen danken wir allen, die gestern dabei waren, um unseren lieben Freund, genialen Musiker und wunderbaren Menschen Torben Asp zu ehren. Eure Anwesenheit und euer Mitgefühl haben diesen Moment zu etwas ganz Besonderem gemacht.
Für alle, die möchten, besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit, das Torben Asp Memorial auf Pangea zu besuchen und seiner zu gedenken. Weitere Informationen dazu werden folgen.

Luna Lunaria: I'm so sorry I was unable to attend. We've been out of town all week for a family funeral 6 months ago

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Star Ravenhurst: Merry Christmas!! 12 months ago

Sodasullivan: Wow, this is very beautiful. A lovely creation. 6 months ago

To all my piggy friends I created this in your honor! Piglets in the Mud cake, a cute decoration for your table! Jewelry

Marianna: Here is the recipe 6 months ago

Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy new year. New Life Italy.

skate with your baby in your arms

Lone Wolf: I love my Christmas Tree I got from there. 1 years ago

A moment of silence and meditation.......come to will be surprised.

ZelleMist: Dinkies Funsize Dinkie Resort, Alternate Metaverse, went on a roadtrip to Samsara. A beautifully built sim by Yana Dakota. Very peaceful, a place to relax, to meditate. Complete Instructions and guide... 1 years ago
Avedon Park is happy to welcome Chi-Chi's Boutique! Located at Luna's Landing in Avedon Park, Chi-Chi's Boutiques specializes in complete outfits and accessories for the Athena Petite and Legacy Perky mesh bodies. There are not one, but two stores to shop in. Stop by Lunas' Landing and explore Avedon Park. You can also find more of Chi-Chi's outfits at the beautiful Yin-Yang region.

SilviaFrey: Buenas noches. Sería tan amable de indicarme el hop donde se encuentra la boutique y también el de Yin Yan. El tp de la estación no me responde. Muchísimas gracias. 5 months ago
Just a beautifull scene..and to let you know that Samsara is going to expand her region... from 2x2 to 5x5!
What we are going to build will be a surprise. Im very excited about it!
But it will be stunning for sure!
Feel free to visit Samsara anytime and take a relaxing moment for yourself !
Try the Tai chi, the Dhamma Hall for the everyday course lead by SN Goenka or just a meditation together with the sound of the floating river or even some cuddles with your love.

Namaste Yana Dakota


Marianna: Your Japanese-themed region is absolutely beautiful! I have been enjoying creating the Japanese theme too. I find a certain peace when I am working there, best wishes I will be by to see all you crea... 8 months ago

I love Opensim so much! Getting ready for winter is always fun. Thanks to everyone providing winter stuff its much appreciated.

Arcfury: I like that snapshot. 28 days ago
At Marsala Al Kohav, you can find all kinds of things from architecture to landscaping and everything in between. While you are there, use the teleport board to come visit my little shop where you will find things like this. Love and Light! ~Star~

Aurora Starchild: Wow :O 10 months ago
Kelso Uxlay will show you, how to make your objects move smoothly through your regions. At his Session at Saturday 9 December at 8:30am PST at #OSCC

“Its most interesting portion consists in a showcase demonstration of scripted moving objects, some of them exhibiting spectacular effects. “Ordinary people” will benefit from learning and seeing what is possible. Perhaps some of them will be encouraged to develop their own scripting skills.”

Check out our full Schedule here:
This is my latest build and I think one of my personal favorites, a one room luxury cabin with a raised floor for the Kitchen Area, high rise ceilings with large open front, back and side windows to let in all that beautiful sunlight and to just enjoy nature while snuggling next to the built in fireplace. It has carved wooden doors and decorative shutters and simple 4 pane windows and log door frames. This cabin would be gorgeous in any forested or mountainous setting. It is partial mesh but it can be retextured and it is copy, mod, transfer; it has a land impact of 34 including the doors and built in fireplace that has a warm crackling fire going. It's here at Masala Al Kohav Mall and it's waiting just for you to help you beautify your region. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

RemmyRavenhurst: That is a really lovely looking Cabin. 4 months ago
I took some time out today to visit Soda's Avedon Park, and Avedon South. Once you arrive, you'll find it nearly impossible to leave, as the allure of this enchanting place leaves an indelible mark on your heart. I found a perfect spot where I chilled a bit, it just feels like home here. Nice work Soda :)

Sodasullivan: Thank you Mari and I am glad you had a wonderful visit! Indeed there is much enchantment at Avedon Park 5 months ago

More photos from Wolf Territories Grid.

Jared Seda: Such a lovely grid. 5 months ago

Bangles and bracelets at the Monentes Jewelry store! Jewelry

Been working on some mesh rivers... on region WT Atlantic 01

Lillysparks: Wow beautiful!!! 1 years ago

Hey winter lovers
We now showcase 38 winter or xmas destinations
at our Winter's Worlds Travel Agency
If your winter region is not there, let me know !

You can now Register for free to attend the OpenSimulator Community Conference #OSCC23

Check out our Schedule at:

Or become a crowdfunder like OSgrid, in Expo Zone 3.
#metaverse #oscc #opensource #virtualworlds

Lillysparks: Wow this looks interesting. I also want to point out something that opened my eyes. I was reading the notes about submissions and guides for expo participants and I learned more from those guideline... 1 years ago