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Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy new year. New Life Italy.

🥳We, at R. Lion Stores, hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.🥳
According with Santa's nice List, this year the ladies were the best behaved, so our gift is for them:😇
The new LaraX Mesh Body is available now at our new Avatar's components store, for you to get. Come quick!

SheaButter: Happy Holidays, to you and your family. Thank you, for sharing all those wonderful items. 12 months ago

Special Christmas Offer:
Every advent gifts are accessible now & until Dec. 27th !
For info, click the large Xmas Bauble near the Tree

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Star Ravenhurst: Merry Christmas!! 12 months ago

May your holidays be filled with joy, and may the New Year bring you prosperity, love, and exciting adventures from all around the world!

AnKaBi: vom ganzen herzen wünschen wir ein schönes weihnachtsfest 12 months ago

#christmas2023 #merrychristmas #arkhamgrid

thedeeferry: Same wishes to you and yours! Simply the best! 12 months ago

Here at Let's Snow you will find essential warm winter apparels
Most of them are Full Perm items we collected over years
The Store is located at Novale's X mas Market

harthelie: merci 12 months ago
It was exceedingly annoying to me that a Linda Kellie dress I really liked had something like a MILLION triangles and shot your avatar complexity to 500K.
I reduced the tri count significantly, until I could do no more without destroying the original mesh. Then I rigged for Ruth RC3 and wore it around my lonely little dreamgrid (my internet sucks, in those days I could see myself but nobody could see, talk to or visit me)(this is why I moved to OSgrid). More recently, I also rigged for Athena with my legal copy of the maitreya dev kit. It's common and there's people that prefer it-who am I to judge?

It's in Mythos now. Has pre made variants with the texture, all my textures included (all black dresses with a different type of tartan on each). Old doesn't equal ugly and usually in opensim if you don't like the "out of style" texture on something you can change can use any LK ruffle bottom texture, any one someone else made with the AO, etc. The original AO map is in the box.
It's a shorter skirt so I put some old bloomers I made, and some stockings from Shinobar Annex in the box as a courtesy.

Jupiter Rowland: Good thing you've added all your textures. That way, they can be applied to Linda's original meshes, complex as they may be. That said, would you consider rigging for two more bodies? One would be M... 1 years ago
**** NEW RELEASE ****

Winter Party Collection

Note: This collection is only available for Athena & Legacy avatars.

Collection is available in 5 colors and includes Top, Skirt in 2 versions, Belt, Gloves & Shoes and can be found in the Holiday Bundles shop at the entrance to the RRD Mall.

*Please Note* Click the boxes beneath the images in the store to obtain your color choice.


Hey winter lovers
We now showcase 38 winter or xmas destinations
at our Winter's Worlds Travel Agency
If your winter region is not there, let me know !

Been working on some mesh rivers... on region WT Atlantic 01

Lillysparks: Wow beautiful!!! 1 years ago

skate with your baby in your arms

Lone Wolf: I love my Christmas Tree I got from there. 1 years ago

A moment of silence and meditation.......come to will be surprised.

ZelleMist: Dinkies Funsize Dinkie Resort, Alternate Metaverse, went on a roadtrip to Samsara. A beautifully built sim by Yana Dakota. Very peaceful, a place to relax, to meditate. Complete Instructions and guide... 1 years ago
Kelso Uxlay will show you, how to make your objects move smoothly through your regions. At his Session at Saturday 9 December at 8:30am PST at #OSCC

“Its most interesting portion consists in a showcase demonstration of scripted moving objects, some of them exhibiting spectacular effects. “Ordinary people” will benefit from learning and seeing what is possible. Perhaps some of them will be encouraged to develop their own scripting skills.”

Check out our full Schedule here:

I have been adding more each day. Come often to see what is new!

You can now Register for free to attend the OpenSimulator Community Conference #OSCC23

Check out our Schedule at:

Or become a crowdfunder like OSgrid, in Expo Zone 3.
#metaverse #oscc #opensource #virtualworlds

Lillysparks: Wow this looks interesting. I also want to point out something that opened my eyes. I was reading the notes about submissions and guides for expo participants and I learned more from those guideline... 1 years ago