thedeeferry @thedeeferry


A Poem of the 96 Spaces of the Human Subconscious Produced by Sound

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May Mid-Month with DJ Golbez begins in about an hour, 4pm. Club Equinox

-Zoree Jupiter Live
-3:00-4:00pm a
-Osgrid Events Plaza
-Casual Fun! Friendly atmosphere! Come Join us!
-Music Variety
♥𝕋𝕒𝕩𝕚↘ Plaza

Premiere soiree Live de Teddy Malone en Live sur Ocean-Grid
Ouvert au public
Teddy Malone's First Live Evening Live on Ocean-Grid
Open to the public

DJ Lion King is Rocking the Place!

Come on over and enjoy the music!

Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
DJ Alex comes on fire, guys at 3 pm grid time! with the hottest tunes for everyone to set the mood. Yes! because it's always time to party. What's the reason for it? Well... we are PARTY PEOPLE!
Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together. Drop this link into your map; Lagoon

Gilleys Ranch Bar featuring weekly events and Saturday Tributes

Black Pearl Bay with Tortuga Island, La Muerta and Matagorda Bay

Missing the great Jams of Dj Tom! The beacon went rogue but party did not.

Very happy to announce The Roleplay Grid is now accessible for Zetaworlds, to and from.

Please check out our new website at and consider joining our Grid :)

Work in progress, obviously, but lots more coming.

Big thanks to Zetaworlds for allowing access now.


Join us at the Piazza at 3 pm grid time, for a couple of hours of fun and music while Rockin' Robert spins the tunes for us via his radio station Wax Radio.
The Piazza, where good friends and great music always come together. Lagoon

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Marigold Bay - Love Island

Marigold Bay Rental Houses

Marigold Bay Helicopter Pad

Marigold Bay Yacht Club

Marigold Bay Coast Guard

Regarding the drama and debate of issues that really do fill up the front page with piles of horseshit and sauerkraut, I am hoping the constipated, confused, uneducated and self-righteous can simply take it all to private messages.

It absolutely does not benefit the software, community or potential prospects that have considered making the switch from SlimeyLife Libtard Labs to Open Sim and it's abundant community. All this crap does is clutter the front page and leaves people discouraged, confused and disenchanted. We get enough of that crap from the militant uneducated media. Let's at least keep THIS place honest and pleasurable to visit. Got it? Great!

So I am hoping that in the future, a lesson can be learned from this ordeal. Until then, If I'm not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer.