Tiensamsara @tiensamsara


I joined Samsara Grid soon after it was formed and now own a region there called DEVA which is lovely and is made of lots of islands. I am learning mesh, scripting and many facets of grid operations including security and simulator cofiguration there with the owners Shivani and Kamini. Now I am also learning about private grids and how to make them.

Joined 3 years ago

About Myself

Now involved in tech sales and marketing with family business, wanting to learn more about server building and configurations.

My Interests

I like to learn how to make things, including mesh and scripts and take nice photos. I spend all my weekend time with my love at her home so only online during the week.

Music I Like

K Pop, Khmer, Dance

OpenSimulator Version

Opensimulator 9.2.x, recent and stable one. UbODE and Y Engine enabled.

Viewer Version

Usually the latest but never in a rush to update, give some time for bugs to be sorted.


Lots :-)

My Regions

This member has no regions yet
