Udofroehliche @udofroehliche

Nice France Offline

Joined 4 months ago

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Schloss in Frankreich
7 0 soul-grid.de:8002:Schloss in Frankreich 0 Users
Le chateau de Versailles
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Udo II
9 1 soul-grid.de:8002:Udo II 0 Users
USS Enterprise 1701 Roleplay - a complete 3D Simulation of all decks . Franz Joseph Design
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also on the sim " Chateau de Versailles 1662"

Versailles garden

Versailles Kings room

Versailles Queens room

Versailles Salle des glaces

Versailles gardenside

Versailles frontside

Interconnecting Dorsal Deck 8-14

Hangar Bay Deck 19

Deck 7

Deck 6

Deck 5

Hi everybody,
I'm the creator of the complete USS Enterprise 1701 in open sim ( Soul )
come and have a look !
Roleplay possible

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