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Joined 10 years ago

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OpenSimWorld is unreachable, unable to get farm updates.
For the past 3 days OpenSimWorld has been unreachable either by Singularity or Firestorm, the difference is, Singularity says unable to connect, destination refused connection, and Firestorm says, 'Destination location unavailable, you have been moved to a nearby location" which by the way is Lbza Plaza.

And being that I use my osgrid account to directly log in to OpenSimworld, I don't need an HG address, also, I can ping osgrid.org with no problems, all other regions on osgrid I can log into , but not OpenSimWorld
Various glitches in various scripts.
For one, I noticed some of the items in the sellers truck are not even available on the farm, such as Sugar, Feta, Thread, Beer, Raisins, Butter, Tea Leaves, Pot (is that Marijuana?), and Rug.

2nd, the kitchen has 2 items that don't have scripts, and they are Paste plate, and Apple Pie.

3rd, the SFMarket NoMoney box, doesn't allow Onions to be sold or bought for less then or greater then $10.

And lastly, the storage rack doesn't allow Water to be stored, and there are no extra storage barrels.

comments 7 post likes 0 SatyrFarm points 41,350
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Sorry but all the objects on that sim (with exception to prim made objects), are either mesh or sculpty and cannot be walked through, mesh/sculpty doesn't work properly yet in opensim, all entrances are solid and invisible, or solid in some places, like flat area, and phantom in others, the av just falls through. Sorry, but 1/2 star is all I can give, because of all the problems.

June Island

Don't bother with this region, all the large items, houses, and castle, are linked to huge amounts, the castle is linked 4100+ prims, and can and does crash the viewer when attempted to move it into position. Idealy the castle and other large items should be broken down into smaller parts, then using a rezzer to rez those parts with no impact on the viewer or region, but how these guys can link o...

Freebie Store 2024

It definitely needs to be more stable, 1/2 the time I can't even TP there, either it says unable to connect, or the region is disabled, and when I did get in there to the freebie store, about 3/4 of stuff that is supposed to be free and able to take a copy, I couldn't, because they weren't set to allow to take a copy, and some were set to buy fo $0, but when I tried that, it said I wasn't authenti...


Sorry but the past 3 days, OpenSImWorld has been unreachable by either Singularity or Firestorm, all other osgrid regions can be accessed, but not OpenSimWorld.

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