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giggles is may 5th sunday. i hope.. lol, hugs you lilly
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Thank you, Jared.
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It was fun. You are wonderful sis.. Love you!
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Loved the club decor. People were nice even though I don't speak portugese and little spanish. Dj Miragem was playing great music. :)
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Thank you, Glenn. Stop by anytime , hugs!
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Thank you, kindly. I try.. Hugs!
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Friendly people, good music, nice venue .. open air . :)
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Please see the tab above marked Rentals and if you are new please choose a land in the grid your account was created on for the best experience.
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Are you just posting for attention? What we talk about is normally legit concerns. This reads to me like someone's trying to make light and joke of things. That photo of a avatar I would never consider to been child or teen by just the photo. Ageplay is a serious thing, and clearly you have no clue as to what the upset is really about. People can wear flat shoes and not be super curvy and not the tallest and still be considered adult it is not just those attributes. Clearly you did not do your proper research as you claim. One thing only might be true and that is if there is a scanner for height and if that height be below i don't know say 5 foot tall, then they might have a problem. Stop trying to Karen things! This fear mongering in reverse is just wild. People will add the rules and regulations they believe are appropriate. If the place is not for you then it's not for you. If you wish to go to places that have requested you respect their request for visitors and you can or won't do so then that would be on you. clearly posts the regions request for visitors by general, moderate and adult so that you are aware prior to making the visit / leap over. The fact people act surprised at this time is just wild. Every place may not be for every body. Though it would be nice if there were no worries or concerns then we could do as they say and " Just all get along "... example: You are a vegetarian and yet you keep going to a steak house all mad cause they don't cater to you? or Your a meat lover who keeps going to the soup or salad restaurant and then get all mad cause they don't cater to you either. Better yet you are a teen going to real life adult club and they won't let you in because your not supposed to be there and then get mad about it. Just saying! ( The above note is my personal opinion and does not reflect any specific location or person or persons). I can not speak for everyone per say but this is my personal perspective and via years in virtual world, tons of evidence and work within many grids on more than one world this is my opinion.
When I see this guy dancing with his virtual sister, I can't help but think of incest... Why? On top of that, both avatars look anemic... probably in real life as well...
I hit "like" on your comment because I like your call for common sense, but I also have some issues with it. As usual when we get into a "We must protect the babies!" topic, common sense goes right out the window and Opensimword is not immune to that. Instead you end up with the extreme... a small minority of people going on some hypocritical "woke" campaign against child avitars in general, or entire regions targeted for vague and often unsubstantiated claims. Only recently i was at Lliba and was asked to leave or change my appearance because I looked "too young". My avi AND me are 5'6 and I had on an athena petite body and an outfit very similar to the image above. Long sleeves, long pants. Not even any pink clothing. I thought it was crazy, but I agreed to leave. So the idea the idea that we "are aware prior to making the visit" of what to expect is not exactly true when there are a lot of (often hypocritical) agendas at play. Maybe the OP is being a Karen or seeking attention, but to me THAT kind of situation is a problem.

Personally, I would like to throw out a challenge to everyone. Let's see if we can all go ONE WEEK without a single post regarding child avatars or the dreaded "ageplay" topic. I am betting hard money it can't be done. There are simply too many agendas at play.
Though I can understand frustration if you no matter what the issues is was not able to gain the access or was denied access somewhere for any reason. However, I have not seen sodasullivan avatar, at this time or that i recal, nor know anything of any sort about you or your avatar nor do I have anything to do with the land you speak of. I think you went ,off in left field somewhere with your comments. Again, we all know what is what. Why are you still going on the subject? In order for that to work you would have to stop replying, not sure you can do that. Can you? Also, stop trying to milk people for money Sodasullivan.
"Only recently i was at Lliba and was asked to leave or change my appearance because I looked "too young". My avi AND me are 5'6 and I had on an athena petite body and an outfit very similar to the image above. Long sleeves, long pants. Not even any pink clothing. I thought it was crazy, but I agreed to leave."

This. This so very much.

Many people claim that the only thing that could flag an avatar underage is an automated childgate configured to a minimum of 180cm or 6'. They claim that avatars would never be considered underage just by their looks. Until someone writes that exactly this has happened to their own avatar.

Even then, some either don't believe it, or they think their avatar, while not fully conforming to OpenSim standards, is safe. Until it surprisingly, unexpectedly happens to their very own avatar.

Those who still keep denying it, and I guess they're still the vast majority here, have female avatars that fully conform to the "professional San Fernando Valley porn star meets Kardashian family member, and the whole Hypergrid is Malibu or Ibiza in summer always and everywhere" standard. I guess they're staring at the above image in disbelief that it's even possible to build such an avatar, much less that someone has actually done it and, worse yet, sticks with it as a daily driver.
I think you nailed it right there in the first sentence. ;)
Sim owners declaring avatars underage just by their looks can go and actually has gone further than you might imagine.

I know someone whose female avatar was kicked and banned from a sim for the combination of being under 6' (no childgate, just visual "child avatar recognition"), Athena Petite and wearing too much pink. Wearing too much pink. I'm not even kidding. And the avatar does look quite sexy otherwise.

And I think I actually recall a discussion on what makes an underage avatar. Hair style was mentioned, as was skin tone.

I mean, as long as you're a regular Athena of at least 6' with a deep tan and a long lush mane, perpetually scantily clad in what little skin-tight clothing is required and always walking on spike heels of not unter 6", you've got nothing to fear.

But deviate far enough to the wrong side (and Legacy, eBody Reborn and Decadence-HG are not the wrong side), and you might get into trouble.

Also, keep in mind that the child avatar definition that you know from the past is likely not to stay the same. Especially since that SL drama, sim owners are raising the defences. The definition will become more extreme.
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My first visit and I do see new things and I do see quality .. I asked Ellie about something. She is very helpful and kind. So, yeah pretty awesome visit and great owner.
Thank you so so much! we are realtivly new and your review means the world to us! we hope to keep adding to the pretty things we have and we look forward to welcoming you back
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One of the Most talented people I've met in opensim world. Laura is one of the most creative, kind , talented persons ever. Her creations, style and decor are top notch. A must visit to all her regions.
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Nice decor and great people. Went to the club and music was pretty good, and very enjoyable.
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Hmm, so you activated a beacon but it says that " Does not allow visitors"... Wth
You'll have to create an account on to be able to access the most advanced gaming paradise of OpenSim. That's worth a beacon for people to find it :D
You'll have to either allow hypergrid visitors or at least group only access to list your region on opensimworld. A grid/region that is not hypergrid enabled has no permission to use opensimworld and therefor should be removed from this site.
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Impressive set up. The streets and buildings are done just right. Management was nice / owner and very helpful. Looks new but very promising region
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I snuck over when no one was there :) Got to say a very impressive setting.. Well done.. I hope I get time to come back and come to a event here. Looks like it would be a great night out ... :)
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Extra Thank You, to you ... Could not of made it without you and Araya! :P
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Thank you, Indigo..
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Thank you.. hugs
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Great live singer.. smooth voice maximillion kleene was playing. Loved it! Also, some nice art ... in the venue.
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I know one that is like that... starts with a "A".
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Hello, Opensim world!
These Adult ( discrete ) Club / Explorable Regions Coming soon .. still in the works.
Beacon will be enabled upon completion .. no estimated date as of yet.