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Claude Ame's Stag Party 2PM FRIDAY

Region: Club Escotia
Event begins: 2 years ago: 2023-05-19 14:00 SLT
Added by: Webby Merlin

When we give him a send off
We'll do it in style
Soon he'll be making
His way down the aisle!
To celebrate that fact
that he found his special one
let's all get together
and have a little fun!

Celebrate the final week of bachelorhood for Claude Ame on Friday 2PM at Club Escotia Main Stage
Hosted by Clan Escotia

👍 4 like Add to Calendar


Is this just for the guys I hope? There is no map location inserted . . .
Guys and Dolls :) "Alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Club Escotia" on the Main Stage after Clan's Birthday Party!
that is great love it thnx Clan and Webby all welcome too join it