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Steam Lands Adult

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Where: Steam Lands
When: 7 years ago [10 Aug 2018 13:00 SLT]

Formal dance on the patio. Dance in one of the most beautiful venues in opensim. Love is in the air... bring your love or find a new one here. Hypergridders are welcome.

Where: Steam Lands
When: 8 years ago [4 Mar 2017 13:00 SLT]

Join us in one of the very few black tie venues in virtual. Dance to romantic tunes on the terrace. Check out the stores for FREE formals if you have no suitable outfits. Bring a date, make her yours, or meet a new love! This growing event will be ongoing every Saturday in Neverworld Grid!

Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Sweethearts Dance
Where: Steam Lands
When: 8 years ago [11 Feb 2017 13:00 SLT]

Join Live DJ Roeffelos Kisses for an immersive pre- V -day event. Come dance on the terrace of the Rendevous Club, one of the most romantic sims in OS. Chat in the deco themed bar. Stroll the patios or check out a private "encounter" skybox with your love. Bring a date or find one here. This event is not to be missed for the romantic at heart!

Luster Formal Dance -Rendevous Club
Where: Steam Lands
When: 8 years ago [4 Feb 2017 13:00 SLT]

Join us for the inaugural event at the best and most beautiful formal dance region in opensim. Formal dress required . If you don't have anything don't worry we have promotional freebies at the club. This is a gorgeous place to bring your love, or to find a new romance. Event will run for several hours so come when you can!