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GOR Sardar Fair Adult

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kindra Turian: The Ar of the South- continuously running since 1996- 2 years ago

Counter Earth Grid- Longest RUNNING all Gorean Grid in Open Sim. Celebrating 9 years in August 2023- Come join the fun! What's YOUR Gor in YOUR City?

The Gorean City of Tarns on Counter Earth Grid

Our annual Holiday Show is approaching soon! Dec 16 at 6 pm pacific time- come early to get a seat and listen to holiday music.

Counter Earth Grid celebrating 8 years Aug 14. Thank you to all of our patrons for these wonderful years! See our wonderful builds- join our role play cites - all are recruiting!

Visit our cities to see our great builds and how talented our builders are in our close to 30 active communities- Counter Earth Grid where Gor still lives!

Visit our cities to see our great builds and how talented our builders are in our close to 30 active communities- Counter Earth Grid where Gor still lives!

Holiday Dance Show Counter Earth Grid
Where: GOR Sardar Fair
When: 4 years ago [19 Dec 2020 20:00 SLT]

Join us for our Holiday Dance show - this year our show is dedicated to Holiday Musicals with a TWIST. You can even take a sleigh all the way from our Sardar Fair to the Sardar Field theater. We hope you will join us!