GOR Sardar Fair Adult

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Counter Earth Grid celebrating 8 years Aug 14. Thank you to all of our patrons for these wonderful years! See our wonderful builds- join our role play cites - all are recruiting!

Counter Earth Grid- Longest RUNNING all Gorean Grid in Open Sim. Celebrating 9 years in August 2023- Come join the fun! What's YOUR Gor in YOUR City?

Visit our cities to see our great builds and how talented our builders are in our close to 30 active communities- Counter Earth Grid where Gor still lives!

Holiday Dance Show Counter Earth Grid
Where: GOR Sardar Fair
When: 4 years ago [19 Dec 2020 20:00 SLT]

Join us for our Holiday Dance show - this year our show is dedicated to Holiday Musicals with a TWIST. You can even take a sleigh all the way from our Sardar Fair to the Sardar Field theater. We hope you will join us!

Our annual Holiday Show is approaching soon! Dec 16 at 6 pm pacific time- come early to get a seat and listen to holiday music.

The Gorean City of Tarns on Counter Earth Grid

kindra Turian: The Ar of the South- continuously running since 1996- 2 years ago

Visit our cities to see our great builds and how talented our builders are in our close to 30 active communities- Counter Earth Grid where Gor still lives!