La Dolce Vita

La Dolce Vita
Craft World
Added by :
Cris Clooney
Created :
8 years ago
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The city of Rome is the backdrop for one of Federico Fellini's best known films 'La Dolce Vita' . This region exactly captures the feeling and the places of the film.

At "La Dolce Vita" it's Christmas time!
I am pleased to present you a special exhibition of Beduino Ruben, which represents the Nativity.
The exhibition will remain open throughout the Christmas period at the Colosseum.
Come and visit!
The Nativity by Beduino Ruben
Where: La Dolce Vita
When: 7 years ago [6 Dec 2017 22:00 SLT]

I am pleased to present you a special exhibition of Bedouin Ruben, which represents the Nativity.
The exhibition will remain open throughout the Christmas period at the Colosseum.
Direct teleport to the Landing point. Come and visit!

La Dolce Vita presents... You are my Valentine
Where: La Dolce Vita
When: 8 years ago [13 Feb 2017 01:30 SLT]

An evening that will remain in your heart

Musical Night at the Piper - La Dolce Vita
Where: La Dolce Vita
When: 8 years ago [18 Jan 2017 22:30 SLT]

Dj Chanel Hurricane -Session jazz funk

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I Love this Grid the people are so friendly and the decor is awesome I recomend it go visit !