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Flaire Adult

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We had to leave Nara's Nook and have re-located to Open Sim Grid. Same great shows...same professional dancers !!

Public Productions Now
Where: Flaire
When: 5 years ago [27 Sep 2019 06:50 SLT]

At our new location...I have set the three main shows for public access.....

Look for the big arrow pointing down to the green box. Click it! Watch the show!! It's great fun....!!!

Be sure to set your audio prefs to "auto" and "let scripts play audio"!!!!

Pop over and get a behind the scenes tour of what it takes to design, stage and produce an exciting Burlesque show in Open Sim. Meet the up and coming stars. View the detailed stage props area. Talk with the Producer and Director - Jessie Campbell.

Do YOU design? Clothes? Sets? Props? Ask about helping out behind stage.