Very fine region :-)
Every friday Party in the Rockhouse
Sylvia-Koeln: Tolle Bilder.....wie immer :-) 2 years ago |
Freitag 31.12.2021
Rock-House (406)
mit DJ Anachron
Beginn 20:00 Uhr
Vorprogramm ab 19:00 Uhr
2021 - Wir sind am Ende
The Final Countdown
Dazwischen ab 20:00 Uhr:
Das Kalenderblatt zu Sylvester
Um Mitternacht:
Grand Final FeuerwerkExclamation
Es folgt:
2022 - What's an Otter-Year?
Mit Otto vonOtter
Dorenas-World proudly presents
Live at the Rock House
Mr. Wobbit in Rock
Sa. 18. July 2020, 20:00 Uhr (CET)
Taxi: Dorenas-Woröd:8002:Nihilon
Thirza Ember: Congratulations !!! 2 years ago |
Arielle: Is that a picture of a couple dancing or fighting? It's hard to tell! 7 months ago |
Das Festprogramm:
Fr. 15.1. 20:00 Uhr
Wolem Wobbit
Live im Rock-House in Nihilon
Sa. 16.1. 20:00 Uhr
JohnVincent van Dyke
Live auf der Open-Air Bühne in Landing
So. 17.1. 20:00 Uhr
Torben Asp
Live auf der Sky-Platform in Anachronia
Hypergrid :
Overall Rating: | |
Jupiter Rowland As usual in this grid, there's more to this place than meets the eye, more than the Rockhouse, epicentre of German-speaking music nerdery. Protip for jazz lovers: Come here on Fridays shortly before 11AM SLT, and you'll be treated to some version of Take Five. |