OnFiR3 Adult

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7 years ago
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Welcome to OnFiR3 Sizzles Entertainment club.

We are a hot addition to the adult entertainment and part of a large region with a nightclub, pub, D/s mansion and even a ballroom and a viking village near by.

We are looking for some good people who can join our staff and become a part of our town community. Every member who helps us grow and needs a home will get a free house with 200 extra prims.

We seek people who can spend some time on the sim every week to help out with tasks such as advertising, pole dancing, escorting, DJ'ing, recruiting etc for the OnFiR3 club. We will also soon hire members for the D/s mansion and the pub. Let us know if that is a better option for you.

Send an IM to Jack OnFir3 or Aurora Pearl if you would like to give it a try, we are eagerly waiting to hear from anyone who can help us making this place active.
You will be welcomed also if you don't want to do work for us. A small rental fee of T20 a month will then be charged for a house and you will have 200 prims for furnishing.

If you have questions about the rentals or town in general, Aurora Pearl will be happy to help.
Let her know which house you would like to live in. If it is available, Aurora will change the text on the mailbox to show your name.

There will soon be placed out rental boxes in front of each house to click on once a month for the free houses. This is to let us know you are still active on sim.
If you leave your house unfurnished or the rental box is not clicked, we will assume that you have moved out. Any items left beyond on this sim will be returned to you.

JOIN OUR GROUP. There are group joiners inside the OnFiR3 club and at the rental office.

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