Free Life Eloquent Estates

The many freebie houses here are really first class so I grabbed most of them. Thank you.
I spent all morning there today, I could have stayed all day if it wasn't for RL. Great sim with lots of excellent free houses, fountains etc. A must for home hunters.
Fantastic place where you can find everything from whatever any avatar needs, as well as for your home, and a huge choice of homes.
All free and full perms. Congratulations Victor!
FREE houses...a whole large sim full of them and laid out like a realistic looking ritzy neighborhood...way to go Victor!
The many houses are not only free but all of the components are included in the boxes just inside each house. Awesome!
I love coming here to get things. But I have notices your boxes in your homes will not let you take copies. There is few things I would have loved to have got and cant. But lovely land. All your grids are amazing. And love the free content.
Thank you, Tonya, for letting me know about the crates containing the houses and their components that you were not able to copy. I went through each of the houses and double-checked to make sure all of them could be copied. If you visit again and something just won't copy for you, please let me know which item and I will definitely fix it.
Totally awesome place filled with all kinds of free goodies...the homes are all corrected and even have doors and docks and stuff that match. Wow!