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Ruritania Adult

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Come and join us for a great selection of dance music from the 70's to the 90's
Held in the Orangery behind the great house. Music played by DJ Windrunner.

We have a small number of these pretty terraced cottages available to let freely for players who wish to base in this popular sim. Contact Xi Shi for details

Early morning harrow- or the early bird gets the worm.

Now the frost has gone and the days warm..

Ms Saucy Bargee chugs off into the new morning to pick up another load for her narrowboat.

Lone Wolf: One of my favourite places especially because I live on a narrow boat. 2 years ago

Autumn is finally on us

Lilly Pond: Great job, indeed! One of these days I will go there for pictures, to my flickr page. I hope you don't mind! Ty for the beauty! 2 years ago

Benedict coal mine changes to the morning shift without stopping as the new days sun rises.

Still struggling to replace or reproduce my old fav Windlight settings. Seems my clouds are now camera shy.

four candles?

Phill895: Love the amount of detail put into this world. Amazing Sim! 3 years ago

Ukraine shines bright

xishi: ok It's time we cleared up some of this. Those flags on the wall are all there for a reason. From the left - Ruritania might be only a little place but it never left the EU. Hence the blue and gold s... 3 years ago