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Mini grid rent.12 regions ready for u just 50 $ mounth with registration site

Welcome in Astralia Craft Grid.

A 12 region mini grid complete with 12 original oars created on Virtualife World This grid model is for sale, and you can also choose the domain name for your grid. You can visit astraliacraft by registering or even in Hypergrid
Site : http://www.astraliacraft.it/
Atraliacraft is not a grid, but a grid model with 12 regions all with original oars created on virtualife.
It is not for sale, but only a demonstration demo where the final buyer can see and test the speed of our servers. Astraliacraft.it is a domain registered in Italy regularly.
The package we sell are 12 egions with its website for registration and presentation of the grid, for only 50 euros per month.
I think I was clear.
Astraliacraft ownede by Virtualife world
Daniel 30

Mini grid rent.12 regions ready for u just 50 $ mounth with registration site
Send email to ganicard@gmail.com for more info

Mini grid rent.12 regions ready for u just 50 $ mounth with registration site
Send email to ganicard@gmail.com for more info

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warning! this sim is a scam it does not belong to Astralia it is a virtualife sim it is trademark counterfeiting
Atraliacraft is not a grid, but a grid model with 12 regions all with original oars created on virtualife.
It is not for sale, but only a demonstration demo where the final buyer can see and test the speed of our servers. Astraliacraft.it is a domain registered in Italy regularly.
The package we sell are 12 egions with its website for registration and presentation of the grid, for only 50 euros per month.
I think I was clear.
Daniel 30
Very well, it seems to me that confirms what I have written and since all those who attend the virtual worlds know very well that there are two independent grids one with the name Astralia and one with the name Craft and that belong to other people, I think they will be careful not to buying your grid model, which I confirm remains an existing trademark counterfeit
what trademark? name is astraliacraft, maybe trademark minecraft?
We would like to warn you that this offer is not from any of the grid called Astralia and Craft. Who needs to use names from other companies who work in the same field to advertise his offer is both outlaw and inreliable.
vero licu... non ho parole...
it seems to me proprop that you have the head-Astraliacraft is a domain registered in Italy and I don't think you have the copyright or the monopoly of these names.
Good luck
Atraliacraft non e' una grid ,ma un modello di di grid con 12 regioni tutte con oar originali create su virtualife.
Non e' in vendita, ma solo un demo dimostrativo dove l'acquirente finale puo vedere e testare la velocita' dei nostri server.Astraliacraft.it e' un dominio registrato regolarmente in italia.
Il pacchetto che vendiamo sono 12 egioni con relativo sito per la registrazione e l apresentazione della grid, a soli 50 euro mensili.
Penso di essere stato chiaro.
Daniel 30
Atraliacraft is not a grid, but a grid model with 12 regions all with original oars created on virtualife.
It is not for sale, but only a demonstration demo where the final buyer can see and test the speed of our servers. Astraliacraft.it is a domain registered in Italy regularly.
The package we sell are 12 egions with its website for registration and presentation of the grid, for only 50 euros per month.
I think I was clear.
Daniel 30