Spirit Rock Ranch

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Adventure Sailboat Race
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [18 Jun 2022 09:30 SLT]

Race a sailboat around a traditional sailing triangle course of buoys so you encounter wind from several directions and have to strategize your tacking. Race against your friends and against the clock! Cash prizes in Gloebits to the best times. You must use the supplied sailboats which simulate a very realistic response to the wind.. Contact Kayaker Magic any time for sailing lessons.

A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horseback riding, kayaking and more!

BIG GAME Dinosaur Hunt
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [26 Mar 2022 09:30 SLT]

Join us on a hike through the pine forest shooting dinosaurs with the supplied weapons. We’ll start by riding a canoe or kayak down the mountain, through the Lost World gate across a lake teaming with megaladon and ichthyosaurs. No cash prizes this time but you get to take home a trophy: A dino head to mount on your wall or a skin rug for the floor in your hunting lodge. (The ichyosaurs bite, but we will be hunting stegosaurs, triceratops, hadrosaurs, velociraptors and of course T-rex).
A different adventure every Saturday morning, sailing, archery, surfing, horseback riding, big game hunting and more!

Ballroom Dancing on the Titanit
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [15 Apr 2022 17:00 SLT]

Dress to the nines in period outfits for 1912. Dance to period music in the Grand Ballroom of the Titanic while it steams across the North Atlantic. Then at the end of the evening the ship will hit an iceberg, break in half and sink for your amusement! Music provided by DJ Rosa!
April 15 is the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, so this will be a once a year event on the Titanic. The ship is scripted to run into an iceberg, slowly sink nose first, fire off flares, sing out SOS on the Marconi, launch lifeboats, break in half, sink in two pieces and release a field of flotsam (including swimming rats). It is a show you don't want to miss!

Swimming and Body Surfing
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [19 Feb 2022 09:30 SLT]

You never did this in SL!
I tried to get the surfing community in SL interested in something besides board surfing but they never listened. Come join me for an hour of swimming and body surfing.
Let's just sit off shore and feel the power of the swell picking us up, the hiss of the wave passing by, the thunder when it breaks onshore. No contest today, but I'll give pointers for getting more out of surfing in-world.
A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horses back riding, kayaking and more!

Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: - [30 Nov 1999 00:00 SLT]

Come learn Blender one little bite at a time.
We are learning many things together, rigging, animesh, converting prims to mesh for OpenSim.
Don't be shy to ask a question or discuss a problem with Blender, bring it and we'll see if we can solve it.
I've created a YouTube channel with some of the beginner stuff the way I teach it. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5IheM2z1E9P5IhT9yjjNiw/p...
Class is held almost every Wednesday at 9:30AM, you must be able to hear voice to get the instruction, a Blender screen is shared on a media prim and on a WEB page (using Screen Leap).

Snowball Fight!
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [25 Dec 2021 09:09 SLT]

After you find what Santa brought you and open all your other presents, come by for a snowball fight. The fight starts at the shooting range because you can practice your aim at the targets if there is nobody else to splat yet. And you will be surprised to see how the dinosaurs react to being hit by a snowball!

Airplane Race
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 2 years ago [9 Jul 2022 09:30 SLT]

Start your weekend with an adventure!
We're trying out a couple of airplane scripts. Can you control an airplane with enough precision to fly through 4 race gates on the north, west, south and east side of the region? Race against the clock and your friends. Several airplanes will be available to try, including one of the F-18s from the recent Blue Angel airshow.
A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horses back riding, kayaking and more!

Adventure Slide Show
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [21 May 2022 09:30 SLT]

Last Saturday I was climbing a mountain in the Snow Mountain Wilderness. This isn't a technical mountain, it is more just a vigorous hike in the woods. Never-the-less, I brought back some beautiful photos of the hike and this Saturday I'll do a slide show talking about the hike, showing maps and pictures. I'll give the talk in the Lost World Lodge where there is a big screen for the slide show, lots of rustic furniture to relax in, a crackling fire and dinosaur skin rugs on the floor. The slide show has some text but you must have voice working for most of the commentary.
A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horsesback riding, kayaking and more!

Archery Contest
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 2 years ago [16 Jul 2022 09:30 SLT]

Start your weekend with an adventure!
Try out your skill on the archery range. No pressure to be the best, let's just shoot at the archery targets and hone our skills. The provided bows have beginner and advanced modes, learn how to switch between them so you can take part in more serious contests in the future.
A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horsesback riding, kayaking and more!

Zombie Apocalypse!
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [30 Oct 2021 09:30 SLT]

This Saturday's adventure is a ZOMBIE HUNT! Spirit Rock Ranch will be over-run with zombies and it is up to you to come help stem the invasion! Weapons provided at the shooting range. Remember, only a head shot can permanently put down a zombie! There are a few zombies wandering around the region already, pick up a weapon at the shooting range and practice any time before the event.
A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horseback riding, kayaking and more!

Easy Sailing Cruise
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [2 Apr 2022 09:30 SLT]

I'll be your captain, trim the sails, and take you on a cruise of some of the public oceans on Discovery Grid. I love to sail and you can come along for the ride!
A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horsesback riding, kayaking and more!

Come Fly a Kite!
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [10 Jul 2021 09:30 SLT]

Saturday morning at 9:30AM I will be flying my stunt and parafoil kites over the dunes. One free kite of your choice to try out and take home. (A $3 value!) If you have any other kites that work in OpenSim, bring it along! It occurred to me that the top of the dune behind the surfing beach in region Spirit Rock Ranch (Discovery Grid) was the perfect place to fly kites.

Surf Contest with Cash Prizes in Gloebits
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 4 years ago [27 Mar 2021 09:30 SLT]

Ride the 8 meter waves and test your skill on a surfboard. Cash prizes to first and second place. Demo boards provided on the beach, come by any time and practice before the event.

Horseback Riding Allong the Beach
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [23 Oct 2021 09:30 SLT]

Join me for a pleasant horseback ride through the Coppery Hollow horse trails, across the dunes and along the 2 kilometer beach on Spirit Rock Ranch. The region got re-organized and I thought the horse trails were lost, but the scenic parts (designed by Sy Celina) are still here! Horses provided, or bring your own.

WindSurfer Racing
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [28 May 2022 09:30 SLT]

The windsurf boards are one of the most exiting vehicles to ride in the Metaverse! They can also surf the waves and easily 'catch air' off them. Come race the course at the big wave surfing beach. Bring your friends and see who can cross all the checkpoints the fastest!
A different adventure every Saturday morning! Surfing, kayaking, target practice, dinosaur hunting, dune buggy races, equestrian events and more!

Kayak Surfing Contest
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 4 years ago [7 Nov 2020 09:00 SLT]

Kayak Surfing Contest with cash prizes this week. Kayaks and paddles provided. Come by Spirit Rock Ranch anytime to practice on the 8 meter waves! Cash prizes in Gloebits to first and second place.
Start your weekend with an adventure in Discovery Grid. A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, horseback riding, sailing, hunting.

Dune Buggy Race
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [13 Nov 2021 09:30 SLT]

This week we return to the Dune 2000 race. Race a Quad ATV or a Jeep across the dune field and along the beach. Cash prizes for first and second place.
We have a few new vehicles to try out and see how they handle a bumpy ride.
Start your weekend with an adventure in Discovery Grid. A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, horseback riding, sailing, hunting.

Horseback Barrel Race
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [7 May 2022 09:30 SLT]

Compete for the best time around the barrels at region Spirit Rock Ranch on Discovery Grid. You are timed by race gates to the nearest 100th of a second.
A different adventure almost every Saturday at 9:30AM. Start you weekend surfing, horseback riding, archery, BIG GAME hunting, kayaking, sailing, etc.

Surf Contest
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [20 Nov 2021 09:30 SLT]

Ride the waves at region Spirit Rock Ranch surfing beach on Discovery Grid. Surfboards provided on the beach. You will be given points for form while paddling out through the waves, length of ride, width of ride, time standing on the board, shooting the tube, carving turns, catching air, performing tricks on the board. The scores from the judge (Kayaker Magic) are final.

Steeplechase with cash prizes
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [30 Apr 2022 09:30 SLT]

Compete for the best time around the steeplechase (racing horses around an obstacle course jumping fences) at region Spirit Rock Ranch on Discovery Grid. You can visit the region, learning to control the horses, running the course and practice before the event.
A different adventure every Saturday morning, horseback riding, surfing, BIG GAME hunting, dune buggies, and more!

Compete for the best time around the course in a windsurfer at region Spirit Rock Ranch on Discovery Grid. The windsurfers can ride the waves, but usually waves just get in the way. Windsurfers provided on the beach. First place cash prize of 1000 Gloebits, but there is a catch: I am the greatest windsurfer on the Meteverse and you must beat my time! Yes, I wrote the scripts in the windsurfers and the race gates, what is your point? Second place prize of 500 gloebits. Seriously you could beat my time by vis

Kayak Surfing Lessons, Discovery Adventure Morning
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [19 Mar 2022 09:45 SLT]

No contest today, let's just sit out in the water, feel the waves pick us up, listen to the hiss of the wave as it approaches shore and the explosion when it breaks. I'll give pointers on how to get more out of surfing in-world. Kayaks provided on the beach.
Start your weekend with an adventure in Discovery Grid. A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, horseback riding, sailing, big game hunting etc.

Start your weekend with an adventure in Discovery Grid, a different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, horseback riding, sailing, big game hunting etc. This week is not a contest of skill, just a horseback ride. Join me in exploring the riding trails on region Spirit Rock Ranch on Discovery Grid. Horses supplied if you don’t have one. discoverygrid.net:8002/Spirit Rock Ranch/1298/1004/26

Surfing Contest
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 2 years ago [2 Jul 2022 09:30 SLT]

Start your weekend with an adventure!
This week we will have a surf contest with caxh prizes in Gloebits for first and second place. You will be judged for how you attack the wave, length of ride, carving turns, use of the wave, doing tricks, catching air and several other techniques.
A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horses back riding, kayaking and more!