Spirit Rock Ranch

Events Archive

Dune Buggy Race

Spirit Rock Ranch 2 years ago | 2022-07-30 09:30 SLT
Start your weekend with an adventure!
Race through the dunes and along the beach. Race against your friends and against the clock. The course is 2000 meters long, you go through a start gate, 6 checkpoint gates and then cross the finish line. Your time appears on the status board to the nearest 100th of a second. Bring your own vehicle or try one of the many available to try.
A different adventure almost every Saturday at 9:30AM. Start you weekend surfing, horseback riding, archery, BIG GAME hunting, kaya

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Blender Class

Spirit Rock Ranch 2 years ago | 2022-07-27 09:30 SLT
Come learn Blender one little bite at a time.
We are learning many things together, rigging, animesh, converting prims to mesh for OpenSim.
Don't be shy to ask a question or discuss a problem with Blender, bring it and we'll see if we can solve it.
I've created a YouTube channel with some of the beginner stuff the way I teach it. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5IheM2z1E9P5IhT9yjjNiw/p...
Class is held almost every Wednesday at 9:30AM, you must be able to hear voice to get the instruct

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Adventure Sailboat Race

Spirit Rock Ranch 2 years ago | 2022-06-18 09:30 SLT
Race a sailboat around a traditional sailing triangle course of buoys so you encounter wind from several directions and have to strategize your tacking. Race against your friends and against the clock! Cash prizes in Gloebits to the best times. You must use the supplied sailboats which simulate a very realistic response to the wind.. Contact Kayaker Magic any time for sailing lessons.

A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horseback riding, kayaking and

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Ballroom Dancing on the Titanit

Spirit Rock Ranch 2 years ago | 2022-04-15 17:00 SLT
Dress to the nines in period outfits for 1912. Dance to period music in the Grand Ballroom of the Titanic while it steams across the North Atlantic. Then at the end of the evening the ship will hit an iceberg, break in half and sink for your amusement! Music provided by DJ Rosa!
April 15 is the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, so this will be a once a year event on the Titanic. The ship is scripted to run into an iceberg, slowly sink nose first, fire off flares, sing out SOS on the Marcon

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BIG GAME Dinosaur Hunt

Spirit Rock Ranch 2 years ago | 2022-03-26 09:30 SLT
Join us on a hike through the pine forest shooting dinosaurs with the supplied weapons. We’ll start by riding a canoe or kayak down the mountain, through the Lost World gate across a lake teaming with megaladon and ichthyosaurs. No cash prizes this time but you get to take home a trophy: A dino head to mount on your wall or a skin rug for the floor in your hunting lodge. (The ichyosaurs bite, but we will be hunting stegosaurs, triceratops, hadrosaurs, velociraptors and of course T-rex).
A different adventu

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Swimming and Body Surfing

Spirit Rock Ranch 2 years ago | 2022-02-19 08:30 SLT
You never did this in SL!
I tried to get the surfing community in SL interested in something besides board surfing but they never listened. Come join me for an hour of swimming and body surfing.
Let's just sit off shore and feel the power of the swell picking us up, the hiss of the wave passing by, the thunder when it breaks onshore. No contest today, but I'll give pointers for getting more out of surfing in-world.
A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting,

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