Virtual Ville Welcome

Virtual Ville Welcome
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Created :
5 years ago
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The starting point for your most exciting virtual experience. Free Sims for builders and creators. SSD servers. Free Gloebits every 10 mins on the region Virtual Ville Welcome. Tons of free content for everyone to take. 2x2 regions for sale for only $10.00 per month!

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Last checked:
5 years ago

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Reviews (4)
Overall Rating:
Copper People: Think of this: This is the ex AviWorld founder here who dumped all 13 plus times! Be careful to visit that new bunch..Just good ment from an oldie to HG. Dont let your skin get ripped off again
Tim K You BLOCKED whatsapp when I thought you were my friend... I have money problems too, but I still have compassion in my heart and would return everyone's things to them! We deserve our .inv and .oar files! We will defiantly NOT be going to aviworlds or avitron anything else that you're a part of. You...
IndicaSativa Virtual Ville took my money and ran away.. -.- talked crap about Josh from Aviworlds than goes and tells us in an email to go there after he shuts down. Terrible! I thought I could trust him.
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Region Comments

I've hung out in the welcome center for at least 20. I came in 2 Gloebits I left with 2 gloebits. Kinda feel rick rolled. lol And yes.. Gloebits is authorized for that region. Oh well.