CHARE Village

CHARE Village
Added by :
Sally Cherry
Created :
5 years ago
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CHARE Village serves as a virtual-based coworking space for the real life Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange (CHARE) Project and its real/virtual life community partners. Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange (CHARE) Project was established to provide HIV/AIDS prevention capacity building and technical assistance services; to enhance the delivery of HIV/AIDS prevention education; and to foster collaborative networking partnerships. CHARE Project is tailored for HIV/AIDS service providers, community organizations, government agencies, HIV/AIDS prevention advocates, and community stakeholders.

CHARE Village showcases information, campaigns, and resources related to HIV/AIDS prevention capacity building, training, and technical assistance. It was established help promote the use of social media tools for the delivery of HIV/AIDS awareness, laboratory training and career recruitment, collaboration building, and related services.

CHARE Village is made up of various health and medical related components including...
Welcome Center - Usability training area,
Social Media Center - Social media awareness and training,
Senior Center - HIV/AIDS and aging information,
Nonprofit Row - Office rentals for nonprofit health service providers,
Awareness Row - AIDS awareness campaigns, and organizations,
Health Library - Health information and resources,
Awareness Plaza - National HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns,
Wellness Center & Spa - Healthy living "stories" and information.

CHARE Village is open to health service providers, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, health agencies, laboratory professionals, businesses, and health consumers interested in STD/HIV/AIDS and other health disparities.

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