Fairy Land

Fairy Land
Added by :
Passion Jumanji
Created :
4 years ago
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TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 18th, 2022! I'm so sorry I haven't brought my grid back up. It's too hard to run on my puter, so I would need something like a Contabo server, which I don't know how to run on my own. So, until that happens where I can put it on another server that someone else can maintain than my beloved grid that I so much love will have to be down for a while :( I'm sorry for all the people that loved my grid that they cannot visit there for now. Maybe one day I will find out how to bring my baby back again one day! I love you all! GREAT BIG HUGGIEZ!

TODAY IS DECEMBER 14th, 2020 and I just logged into my grid, so for now, it is up and running . . . no telling how long this will be for, but as long as she is up and running, it will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be open for visitors ;) Come on in and have some relaxing fun times! & please keep your fingers crossed that when the next windows update arrives it will not take my grid down again or else I will have to wait for an windows update that will let me in again!

OK FOLKS! My Fairydreams grid is now back up and running! She's now open forever! Always & Forever! I'm going to be stockpiling her with HALLOWEEN ESSENTIALS! LOL ? Giggelz ?
Come on and jump in! The water is just fine! ?



I am extremely happy to announce that my Fairy Dreams Grid is up and running once again ;)

I will be having a Halloween Sim and/or you can find Halloween Items throughout Fairy Land ;) Not sure how I want to do this yet ;) I want to surprise you and give you the best experience I can ;) The items I will be giving away are FREEBIES that I have gotten from other grids ;) I may make some of my own, time allowing ;)

I am SO GLAD to be back online again! Halloween begins the festivities of the year 2020 . . .

Lord Willing, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year's Eve will have similar activities! Then we can look forward to the 2021 festivities! ;)

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Reviews (2)
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BiaFiredemo Olá boa tarde contamos com sua ajuda pra criar uma maternidade no kater-and-friends.ddnss.de:8002 nome BiaBladeVellikye e também queremos montar uma no aviworlds contamos com vc e com seus intens bjs e obrigada super bem vindo(o)(a)!
Passion Jumanji My grid is still here . . . just taking a break for a bit . . . I should have said this a while back . . . so very sorry . . . I will be back soon and add more nice things to you all to visit, see and make yourself comfy here ;) Also, I will get some more freebie stuff for you all to take home with...

Region Comments

“Few humans see fairies or hear their music, but many find fairy rings of dark grass, scattered with toadstools, left by their dancing feet.”
― Judy Allen
TY Marianna . . . sorry I did not return earlier . . . r/l took over . . . TY for commenting ;) Huggelz ;)