
Craft World
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Rosanna Galvani
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A beautiful region

Where: Uqbar
When: 2 years ago [29 Apr 2022 01:00 SLT]

The Metaverso Museum and Virtual Art Space Diabolus CARP (Cybernetic Art Research Project) present the photographic exhibition of Fiona Saiman, entitled "CAMERA POP". The exhibition will be set up at Uqbar, the opening will take place Friday, April 29, 2022, at 21.30 - 12,30 PM SLT. It will be followed by a live concert of blues singer Mavenn and guitarist Joao Frazao.

Retrospective Exhibition on Second Life from 2006 to 2012
Where: Uqbar
When: 4 years ago [19 Mar 2021 12:30 SLT]

Friday, March 19, 2021, at 12,30 PM SLT, Museo del Metaverse and Virtual Space Diabolus CARP present in Craft World, sim Uqbar, a retrospective exhibition on Second Life, which includes the years from 2006 to 2011.

Conference: Digital Museums and Virtual Museums
Where: Uqbar
When: 4 years ago [18 Dec 2020 12:30 SLT]

The Museo del Metaverso, in December 2020, will host an important date. The subject is of great interest, not only for those involved in digital museums and galleries, but also for us who carry out our artistic projects in parallel worlds.
The topic is: Digital Museums and Virtual Museums.
Speakers: Bruno Cerboni, Fabio Fornasari, Mario Gerosa, Giampiero Moioli.
It will be a meeting not to be missed, because I don't know when we will be able to listen to and review these four scholars all together.

"Light!" by Duna Gant and Cuirec d'Erc exhibition opening
Where: Uqbar
When: 4 years ago [15 Dec 2020 12:30 SLT]

Maria Duna Gant and Cuirec d'Erc
exhibition at Museo del Metaverso, December 15, 2020, H.21,30 CET - 12,30 PM SLT.
H.22,00 CET - 1,00 PM SLT Party with DjArianna Nightfire

Living Architecture Party
Where: Uqbar
When: 4 years ago [18 Jul 2020 21:34 SLT]

Tonight, at Uqbar region, Living Architecture Party by Velazquez Bonetto and Josina Burges, DJ Lucsio, H 22.00 CET - 1 PM SLT
Streaming Url https://youtu.be/-lxGj8MV1fE

Tonight at h 22 CET (1 PM SLT), Living Architecture Party, Uqbar region

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