

Jupiter Rowland
Sad to say, but I have to downrate this sim and write a new review.

A main reason to visit the ShoppingCity was that there were stores that offered rare or even exclusive legal mesh clothes, partly based on Clutterfly meshes, mostly based on Damien Fate meshes.

The last ones of these stores have recently been removed and with it a whole lot of content that was no longer available anywhere else. As useful as this content was, it is no longer available anywhere on the Hypergrid anymore.

Here's to hoping that at least Riverford in Craft-World will remain untouched.

4 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

The shops are well laid out and easy to see the wares. Good to see a shopping precinct that has other interesting stuff besides the run of the mill hair, and clothes.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Derrybeg Arabello
I spent over an hour here today. Great shopping experience and so much to see.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report