Anango Adult


Kendra Brialla
not a good idea to go here unless you want to be ooc bashed by a bunch of 20 year olds with no understanding whatsoever of g]Gorean culture...Anaango in the books was the least known yet still known island in all of gor. below for your amusement is an example of the amazing well manners of the Owners of Anaango
Johnathon Hilbish — Yesterday at 10:39 PM
maybe darri banned her?

Raziel de Lioncourt — Yesterday at 10:39 PM
it's fucking her
[10:40 PM]
i know it
[10:40 PM]
the bitch is dead if she comes to anango
[10:40 PM]
i wil sell her for parts

cinnia hilbish aka V — Yesterday at 10:40 PM
[10:41 PM]
will worth even a copper?
[10:41 PM]

Gwei — Yesterday at 10:41 PM
a silver for her pretty eyes.....
Raziel de Lioncourt — Yesterday at 10:44 PM
well i can aleways make lampshades out of her
[10:46 PM]
plus my animals need food

cinnia hilbish aka V — Yesterday at 10:46 PM
tarsks like human meat ...

Raziel de Lioncourt — Yesterday at 10:47 PM
and its anango
[10:47 PM]
we have all kinds of exotic things
[10:47 PM]
that want to et you
[10:47 PM]

3 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Aphra Hendrix
wow, i love it!

4 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

A piece of art. Worth to explore, even for people not in the GOR theme. The owner seems a dedicated builder and delicately combines own creations with findings from all over the grids. Thumbs up.

4 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report