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Need a place to catch up on a good book? Come explore the peace of Rima.

It's always a Good Day, on Rima

Continuing our tour of Bridgemere's Rima region - A peak at our snow covered winter wonderland. Come visit and see for yourself, the magic that is Bridgemere - and this one little corner called Rima.

You could have a beautiful sim on Bridgemere too!

Bathe in the Stillness

Rima is named for the heroine in the old movie Green Mansions. She was played by Audrey Hepburn and it is a beautiful fantasy sort of movie- minus the fairies and such!
It takes place in the Amazonian jungles.
So Rima is a foresty-jungly area that inexplicably is snowbound just beyond the bridge..
Hey- it's MY fantasy ;)