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World Petry Day - Poetry Marathon
Where: Uqbar
When: 3 years ago [21 Mar 2022 08:00 SLT]

For the World Poetry Day, March 21, 2022, NoiLab, in collaboration with the Craft regions, organizes a Poetry Marathon, which will cover the whole day of March 21, 2022, the day in which also falls the Spring Equinox.

HG Safari comes visit Craft
Where: Uqbar
When: 3 years ago [9 Mar 2022 12:00 SLT]

Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at 9 p.m. HG Safari is visiting the Library in Uqbar2 and More Women Zero Violence, in the sim of the same name.

RIPRENDIAMOCI - Machinima course
Where: Uqbar
When: 3 years ago [1 Feb 2022 12:30 SLT]

They share meetings with Sergej Zarf (Mario Fontanella) for the course on how to make videos in virtual worlds.
Ripartono gli incontri con Sergej Zarf (Mario Fontanella) per il corso su come realizzare video nei mondi virtuali.

Inaugurazione Mostra Fotografica " Santiago de Cuba In My Eyes"
Where: Uqbar
When: 4 years ago [9 Jul 2021 01:00 SLT]

Inaugurazione della Mostra fotografica "Santiago de Cuba - In my Eyes" di Mariposita Miami, Venerdì 9 Luglio 2021 ore 22:00, nella Cuba Gallery a Uqbar 2 Craft World. A seguire, musica e danze con DJArianna Nightfire.

Where: Uqbar
When: 4 years ago [1 Jul 2021 01:00 SLT]

We never stop at Craft and therefore we propose a course that, I am sure, it will passionate about many users.
The course in question is a video creation course in Virtual World, the so-called Machinima. To keep it will be Mario Fontanella Aka Sergej Zarf, a veteran, like me, virtual worlds and matter that will be treated, more Edu3d tutor.
I am very satisfied to be able to announce the beginning of this course and thank you sincerely Mario / Sergej to have joined my request.
The course will be held, next July 1, every Thursday, to UQBAR 2, in Craft World, in the beautiful location hosting the conference on virtual museums.
We are waiting for your adhesions.

Voxe 2 Opening
Where: Uqbar
When: 4 years ago [18 Jun 2021 12:30 SLT]

Friday 18 June at 9.30 pm - 12.30 pm SLT, in the UQBAR region 2, Voxel 2 will be inaugurated, the second retrospective exhibition on Second Life, 2006-2012, curated by Rosanna Galvani and Velazquez Bonetto. An e_book will also be published. Mostra meno