Resource Respawn


Frank Hurt
First of all: what a dark, foreboding place! And I mean that in a good way. The proprietor of Resource Respawn is a lovely lady (decidedly non-foreboding) with mad skillz in avatar rigging and the like. She's made me custom stuff (my favorite avatar appearance in fact) and though she tends toward female clothing of the goth/emo variety, she offers rigged wings and other surprises such as backdrops perfect for photography or film. It's an eclectic collection of mesh you simply won't find anywhere else. Highly recommended!

3 years ago - mark as helpful (6) - report

Lot of hidden tresors, amazing stuff you didn't know that you needed it so hardly. :)
Great region, thanks !

3 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Your sim is fantastic! Love just walking around so beautiful!

3 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Cherry Manga
♥Beautiful, thanks!♥

3 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Rubeus Helgerud
Wonderful Place with a lot of fabulous items. I was there with my best friend - we both are sooooo faszinated from all the amazing things. Found a lot to "pimp-up" my three sims with better material. And the best - all items are free to take. Thanks a lot for it...

The photo backdrops are fantastic - my friend will make a lot fantastic Photos... :-) And Halloweentown from "Nightmare before Christmas" took our breath away. Will be the place for a Halloween-Party 2022...

One request - can you make more Avatars and male clothing? There are just four or five items for "the boys"... :-(

3 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Cataplexia Numbers
Lots of incredible free content, some hidden, some in the landscape! Mashed potatoes- Thank you so much for sharing your fun, imaginative and expertly crafted stuff with us all!

3 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Michelle Hartley
Great place. Nicely laid out. Plenty of Free Clothing that I have not seen before.
Make sure you check out the amazing backdrops before you leave.
They are ideal for photographs and Free to copy.
I now have some of the outfits in FemDom City's new Latex Store.
hopefully this is allowed.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

I loved the things in your land but I'm not getting to go there

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

boa noite eu tento ir nunca consigo ir será pq ?

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Very nice grid, some great stuff there.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

L♥ve....amazing store!!! ♥

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Finally, a place that has my style of clothing!! I hope this store is around for a loooong time!

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Craig Denimore
Fantastic sim. Lots of great stuff. Will keep coming back...

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Forking awesome! So clever and unusual. I spent a lot of time looking around on this sim and I was rewarded by finding so many hidden gems. I will enjoy returning to investigate further.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report