
Alternate Metaverse
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3 years ago
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A sim wide mall with all kind of things. seasons (valentiensday, halloween, xmas and more, furniture, clothing, houses and other things.
Im still working on it so please be patient and have a look from time to time if you find new things.

NEW OUTFITS crop top and skirt added today

Added about 70 more designes of the dress

Hello i just added a dress in 50 designs and will add 50 more in the next time. there are also some new jackets, pants and dresses.

landscape, ruins, nature and more also clothing and furniture houses and so on

give it time to load please its worth the waiting

Air view of the mall

Dont forget Valentinesday at the 14th February. come over and look at the valentinesday shop at the CarpeNoctem Mall. You will find something for your loved one for sure.
see you there and happy valentinesday XOXO

inma: It is not a question of my pc or my connection since I go to many places and I do not have that problem, as I have told you I have been several times in your sim and as I said it is very complete but ... 3 years ago
Large Mall with a lot shops. Fashion for woman and male, furniture, houses, and lots more. Also adding new uploaded fashion and other products from time to time. new textured fashion. come over and have a look you will find something you like for sure. see you there.


Trizzy Hunter: Have enjoyed all my visits so far lots to see and explore and lots to be added to your inventory. 3 years ago
Some more shops are ready again. Vehicles, statues, people, female outfits and lots more. still working on more to offer for you all.
come over and look around im sure there is something you want to have.
Visit the mall the seasons sections is ready and some other shops also. working on more shops for you. find female, male, kids things, vehicles, furniture, textures and much much more.

The male part of the mall will be finished soon. Come over and have a look maybe there is something you like. See you there

Come over and have a look the shops are filling one after the other. there also is an adventcalendar waiting for your with free gift each day. im still working but some shops are ready filled.
contact me ingame if you should have troubles.
see you there :)

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Reviews (9)
Overall Rating:
Acen8 Great Sim , and nice layout, recommended Please go Visit
Celeste Charnelle Genial la boutique par excellence ou j adore aller!!! ca me donne envie de tout modifier tout refaire sur ma sim!! Bravo et merci pour le partage!!!
MTimeless I really liked this region. It has everything laid out nicely and the owner is working hard on making it into a great shopping area. Really enjoyed walking around for about two hours.

Region Comments

One of the best shopping places I have been to i a long time. Love it!!
What sort of shopping, Purr?
Visited today but your landing is set at (121, 142, 61)so I landed on the sim surround hovering above the mall so had to use camera controls to see anything. Might want to look into resetting your landing so people can walk around the mall.