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Luminaria Adult

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Luminaria's Festival of Light's Dance Party! Littlefield's week long Festival of Lights Ice Dance Party Tonight!!
8:00pm Pacific Time

Luna Lunaria: This was fun and the region is lovely :-) 2 months ago

Luminaria's Festival of Light's Dance Party! Littlefield's week long Festival of Lights Ice Dance Party Tonight!!
8:00pm Pacific Time

Great Crowd tonight partying at our Luminaria Region! It's only up 1 week a year! C'mon down and join us!

Luminaria's Festival of Light's Dance Party! Littlefield's week long Festival of Lights Ice Dance Party Tonight!!
8:00pm Pacific Time

Luminaria is now open! Festival of Lights Dance - Saturday Jan 6th at 8pm Pacific Time!!

Luminaria's Festival of Light's Dance Party! Littlefield's week long Festival of Lights ends tonight with it's Ice Dance Party!
8:00pm Pacific Time

The dance is just getting underway and we're already getting a great crowd of HG friends and our wonderful residents! Stop by, this dance only happens once a year!