Terran Empire Movie Project Adult

Terran Empire Movie Project
Added by :
Prince Amor
Created :
3 years ago
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A set is being built above the Maze of the Mind.The orders are to build a set, find a script, and then find a crew large enough to read the parts for a second life adult themed terran empire star trek movie.
Firm believer in share and share alike and lets make the world a better place. Against copy botting and sl imitators. If you are from a monetized grid you will find you will not have access. Never buy in opensim...
Please submit a notecard with your name and what you would prefer your part to be...for example...I want to be a red shirt and I want to die. Submit it to : the princeofamor

In order to participate I will need a brief description of what you want to do as a back story to be published when we do the movie.

I also need a script...if anyone is interested in collaborating on writing it let me know.

This is all for no profit and personal entertainment, we have no desire to infringe on copyrights or distribute this for money... All participants will get a copy of the movie when done.

For more information message the ?

On June 26, 2016, during the Axanar lawsuit, CBS and Paramount released a set of guidelines for Star Trek fan films to follow. Notably, these restrictions require films to: be no more than 15 minutes long and have no stories longer than two installments (for a total of 30 minutes); play on YouTube without commercials; and all participants are required to be amateurs who have never worked on Star Trek or another licensee of CBS or Paramount Pictures.[15] The creation and release of Axanar would only be allowed on these terms.[16][17][18]

On December 29, 2015 Star Trek: Axanar was hit by a lawsuit from CBS and Paramount Pictures filed in California federal court, stating the Axanar works infringed upon their intellectual property by making use of "innumerable copyrighted elements of Star Trek, including its settings, characters, species, and themes."[12] In June 2016 Paramount issued guidelines to assist fan-made productions from litigation; in summary:

Fan-made productions must be original stories and must be short (less than 30 minutes in total for a single storyline).
Actors and other creative talent must be amateurs; they cannot be compensated for their work nor be previous employees of official Star Trek productions.
The productions must be non-commercial. Crowd-sourced fundraising is permitted up to US$50,000, but distribution of fan-made works must be on a no-cost basis and must not generate revenue.
Fan-made productions may not use bootleg props: on-screen props must be other fan-made or be official Star Trek merchandise.
Fan-made productions must be family friendly; they may not include profanity, nudity, obscenity, pornography, or depictions of harmful or illegal activities such as use of illegal drugs.
Fan-made productions must provide a disclaimer indicating that Star Trek intellectual property is owned solely by CBS Studios. Further, the guidelines restrict how the name Star Trek may be used in titling the production.[96]
Because of the guidelines issued by Paramount as a result of the Axanar case, Star Trek: Renegades made changes to the script of their upcoming film Requiem to remove all references to Star Trek. The series itself was renamed Renegades.[22]

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