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Phantom Rose Medieval

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The latest Mer area for the Grid: The Underwater Kingdom of Lyonesse! There is a free gift of a shark rider, along with temp-rez shark riders to use on the region. Bring some friends and compete at the Colosseum in Seahorse Chariot races. 6 colors, who will win? You can also use the Colosseum for Mer swim racing, unlimited number of competitors!
Medieval Marketplace and majestic Monastery! The Monastery is truly an outstanding build by Tenshi Engel; from its imposing portcullis entry, thru its many rooms with unique textures and gold highlights, all backed with Byzantine Music, it is worth the trip! Land at the dock and make your way thru the busy Marketplace and over the moat.

Beware the Witch! The Citadel is the home of Larissa, High Priestess of the Phantom Rose witches. Explore at your own risk!

Knight's Landing is the welcome area for Phantom Rose Medieval region. Here you will find starter role play outfits, some gifts, important information about the grid and the region, Free region gifts information and map of region. There is a regional teleporter to the main areas, but we encourage you to use a free boat from the docks, to enhance your experience. The Landing has a small medieval fair with dancing and a functional maypole.