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Caribou Love Adult

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What a wondeful day it was. Monkey had asked me to plant some banana trees for her. So we walked over to our Medieval Village and found a place at an island just outside. I drew a deep breath, hoping that she stops buggering me about banana farming.

Monkey is my companion during long days working on this adult island world. She follows me unless my little sister Yanny Strom happens to be around. Monkey knows that Yanny can easily be talked into coming with her to steal bananas wherever she finds them in these 144 open regions.

Tearing at my hair Monkey asked me why we welcome people from every Grid when others ask for passports or something. I tried to explain that there are nice people in all Grids and regions and we love to see them all come here. I think I heard her whistle and say yesss. She must have thought about all bananas or candy that they would give her.


Caribou residents can rent most islands for free with full owner rights. AVs from all other grids can contact me to discuss free islands, second homes,
or hideaways.

We welcome 18+ AVs, short or tall, small or large. Ask me if you are not sure.

Our free shops are the best. New mesh bodies, attachments, animations, body parts, Athena petite Reborn, Legacy, Athena and more are found on our Carribou shopping street and in our huge full classic GRIMM shop. BDSM equipment in our BDSM Island Shop. Teleports and landmarks at Caribou welcome site.

Free Adult Play in all regions with lots of both romantic and BDSM animations. We are 18+ and have no need for special groups or restricted access. All avatars who respect our rules are safe.

We have bbeen over 15 years in SL-OS and will not disappear or leave you.
