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EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings. // On this pic, the TERRACE, the highest part/building of the entire sim). At TP area,go to any teleporter and choose TERRACE as destination.Enjoy :)

EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings.

Jupiter Rowland: I have a moon? 1 years ago
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings. Day cycle here is 84 hours like on RL moon. Beware the magabaga spiders on ground.. they don`t like people...
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings. Day cycle here is 84 hours like on RL moon. Just a nice "sunset" with Jupiter planet on background.
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings. Day cycle here is 84 hours like on RL moon. Feel free to use our public transports on ground area, several models of hover/speedbikes.. Just don't mind the magabaga creatures.... they don`t like much people lol...
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter TP area now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings. Day cycle here is 84 hours like on RL moon. Feel free to use our public transports MAGABAGA Maglev. If you adventure on ground area, beware of some local creatures.. Enjoy :)