Caribou Ocean 08 Adult

Caribou Ocean 08
Caribou Grid
Added by :
Jeanne Lefavre
Created :
1 years ago
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GRIMM free shopping in Caribou. Full assortment for female and male AVs. Athena and Athena Petite, Reborn, Legacy and more. Next to our superb Caribou shopping street with lots of new and hard to find mesh bodies, heads, outfits, animations and more.

In Caribou all is free. Why pay in other grids?

The entire Caribougrid stretches over 144 regions in 36 2x2 full sized Vars.

Caribou residents can rent most islands for free with full owner rights. AVs from all other grids can contact me to discuss free islands, second homes,
or hideaways. Privacy respected. Security systems ok. Sporadic controls by Jeanne or Andron may be possible if there are repeated allegations of TOS vioations.

Caribougrid welcomes 18+ AVs, short or tall, small or large. Ask Jeanne if you wish, she decides. Read our TOS at

Our free shops are the best. New mesh bodies, attachments, animations, body parts, Athena petite Reborn, Legacy, Athena and more are found on our Carribou shopping street and in our huge full classic GRIMM shop. BDSM equipment in our BDSM Island Shop. Teleports and landmarks at Caribou welcome site.

Free Adult Play in all regions with lots of both romantic and BDSM animations. We are 18+ and have no need for special groups or restricted access. All avatars who respect our rules are safe.

Our Adult Events are usually at 12 to 14 SLT. Top Class DJs and Celebrated Live Artists.

Stable and secure, over 15 years in SL-OS. We will not disappear and leave you. Friendly and helpful management.

Always a friendly and helpful safe haven. We take care of our friends. Open for avatars from all other grids.

Open minded LGBTQ+ ownership and management. Many languages, try us.

Our TOS are at with complete information on ownership, contacts and principles. You also find a few blog articles on Caribou, and our rules.

Looking for Region builders, Creators, Managers, DJs, Hosts/Hostesses, Events Managers and others. Join us in creating a unique and safe world. Contact Jeanne Lefavre or Andron Rae.

If you find any items in Caribou that you know are yours and that are used without permission, please do send a notecard to Jeanne Lefavre or Andron Rae, and we will remove them.

Very pleased with our hosts Masala Enterprises and Unadecal Masala..

Grid owners Jeanne Lefavre and Angelic Ronin (temporarily absent). Region owners and management Jeanne Lefavre and Andron Rae. Grid ownership information and much more on

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Last checked:
11 months ago

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